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在郑州陇海路上,远远就能看到一抹清新的“山河绿”。山河智能SWDM42型多功能旋挖钻机正在这里服务于国家重点工程项目——郑州市陇海路高架快速通道跨南水北调特大桥工程。这项工程技术标准高,工期紧,任务重,环保要求高,这对旋挖钻机的入岩能力、钻具损耗、成孔效率及整机稳定性都提出了极高的要求。为此,山河智能选中SWDM42型多功能旋挖钻机承担大孔径深桩的入岩任务,并安排技术人员详细勘察地质情况,为工程量身定制了钻具及施工方案。 In Longhai Road in Zhengzhou, you can see a touch of fresh “mountains and rivers green.” Sunward intelligent SWDM42 multi-function rotary drilling rig is here to serve the state’s key projects - Zhengzhou Longhai Road elevated expressway across the South-North Water Transfer Bridge project. The high engineering standards, tight schedule, heavy tasks, environmental requirements, which rotary into the rock drilling capacity, loss of drilling tools, into the hole efficiency and stability of the machine made a very high demand. To this end, Sunward selected SWDM42 multi-function rotary drilling rig to bear the large-aperture deep-piles into the rock task, and arrangements for technical personnel to conduct a detailed survey of geological conditions for the project tailored drilling tools and construction programs.
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Objective: Insulin receptor substrate- 1 (IRS- 1) expression and tyrosine phosphorylation is decreased during pregnancy. Pregnancy may be a suitable condition t
患者女,36岁,结婚4年,怀孕4次,均在孕60天左右流产.查体:身高158 cm,体重52 kg,智力正常.妇科检查:外阴、阴道发育正常,宫颈光滑、子宫大小正常、无压痛,双侧附件未扪及异常。
目的 多中心、前瞻性观察吗替麦考酚酯 (MMF)治疗弥漫增生性狼疮性肾炎的临床疗效和不良反应。方法 全国 9家医院共收集系统性红斑狼疮患者 75例 (男 1 3例 ,女 62例 ) ,均
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Recently, the world’s largest caprolactam integration project will be built by Fujian Shenyuan New Materials Co. Ltd. The project will use advanced HPO technol