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中原大地的凤凰山是巍巍太行山的余脉,位于太行山南麓、卫河之滨。是传说中凤凰栖落的地方。耿庄就坐落在凤凰山下。这里历史遗迹众多。公元前1046年,武王伐纣的牧野之战,古迹依存;姜子牙卫河垂钓、比干抛心忠谏、围魏救赵、张良刺秦、官渡之战、陈桥兵变都源于这方热土;孔子讲学“杏坛”犹在。悠久的历史,灿烂的文化,深沉而又开阔的地势。给凤凰山麓沉积了厚重的人文底蕴,同时,也让这片土地时时发散着“兵”的刚韧、“士”的悲壮。长期“逐鹿中原”的战风,锻造了生活在这块乡土的人民,塑成了义无反顾、勇往直前的群体性格。大革命时期、抗日战争时期、解放战争时期,这里浓缩着中国共产党和中国人民艰苦卓绝、波澜壮阔的奋斗历程;隽刻着黄河儿女的红军精神、太行精神、人民解放军全心全意为人民服务、艰苦奋斗、无私奉献、善抢战机的拼搏精神。战场硝烟已经散尽,苦难成为追忆。当英灵在热血播撒的泥土中安睡,当一批批战斗的亲历者垂垂老去。面对渐远渐逝的历史,我们在时光的沧桑中感受震撼,似乎只剩下追忆和纪念。可是,精神不会随着时间流走。二十世纪末,在这块土地上,又有一群别样的军人,迎难而上,用血汗甚至生命谱写着当代军人的军歌,用奉献诠释着当代村官的责任。他们的“战利品”就是全国闻名的富裕村——耿庄。 The Phoenix Mountains in the Central Plains are the remnant of the Taihang Mountains, located in the south of Taihang Mountain and the bank of Weihe River. Phoenix legend is where the habitat. Geng Zhuang is located in the Phoenix Mountain. Historical monuments here are numerous. In 1046 BC, the Battle of Makino of the King of Wushu relied on monuments, and the historic sites were interdependent. The Ziziphus angustifolia fishing was more devoted and dedicated than the cadres. The Wei Dynasty saved Zhao, Zhangliang Ciqin and Guandu wars, and Chen Qiaobing both originated from this land. Confucius Listening to “Xingtan” still. Long history, brilliant culture, deep and open topography. To the foothills of the Phoenix deposited a heavy cultural heritage, at the same time, also let this piece of land from time to time with the “soldiers” just tough, “Shi” Tragic. Long-term “deer Central Plains,” the war, forging a people living in this native area, molded into a hesitant, forward courageous character. During the period of the Great Revolution, the War of Resistance Against Japan, the War of Liberation, there was a concentration of the arduous and magnificent struggle of the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese people; the Red Army spirit of the Yellow River children, the spirit of the Taihang Bank, and the people’s Liberation Army’s dedication to serving the people wholeheartedly, hard work and selfless dedication Good fight fighter fighting spirit. The battlefield smoke has been cleared, the misery became memory. When the spirit sleeps in the soil of blood, when battles go by Faced with the history of fading away, we feel the shock in the vicissitudes of time, it seems that only the memories and remembrance. However, the spirit will not flow away over time. At the end of the 20th century, on this land, there were a group of other soldiers who came up against the difficulties and wrote the military songs of contemporary soldiers with their blood and sweat and even their lives. They devoted their dedication to explaining the responsibility of contemporary village officials. Their “booty” is the country’s well-known rich village - Geng Zhuang.
旅途奔波数日回家,疲倦不已,欲开门,忽觉脚下有异物,乃拍手使楼道内感应灯皆亮。  细看大惊,见一黑大汉卧于道上,提一把大斧,怒发如铁刷,狰狞似狻猊。  “千难万难寻见罗真人,却被吹至此地!误了哥哥大事!”  “你干什么?”我慌忙冲过去问。  “我问你,此乃何地?”  “此乃北京,距你生活之时代已隔数百年!”  “那我因何到此处?宋江哥哥何在?那老贼何在?”  “数百年已过,此等人皆已死矣!”  “
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