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对世界各国居民收入差距进行比较研究有利于对一个国家居民收入差距的合理性做出理性的判断 ,本文仅对 2 0世纪 80、90年代世界各国的总体收入差距进行比较。静态的比较研究发现 :世界各国之间的收入差距极大 ;居民收入差距在世界各国普遍存在 ;发展中国家的居民收入差距大于经济发达国家 ;中等收入国家的居民收入差距大于低收入国家和高收入国家 ,下中等收入国家的居民收入差距大于上中等收入国家 ;经济转轨国家的居民收入差距总体上处在比较低的水平上 ;拉丁美洲和加勒比地区、撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲地区国家的居民收入差距大于其他地区 ;人口规模越大、国土面积越大、城市化水平越低、土地分配越不平等、教育分配越不平等 ,居民收入差距一般越大 ;贫困程度的高低主要取决于经济发展水平的高低 ,但与居民收入差距的大小有一定的关系。动态的比较研究发现 :世界范围内的居民收入差距呈扩大的趋势 ;各国居民收入差距都有所变化 ,变化的方向与幅度有差别 ,多数国家的居民收入差距呈长期扩大的趋势 ,其中经济转轨国家和下中等收入国家居民收入差距扩大的幅度较其他类国家大 ;居民收入差距的扩大或缩小与不同的经济增长状态并存。比较研究的结论对公共政策的选择具有若干启示性。 A comparative study of the income inequality among all the countries in the world is conducive to making rational judgments on the rationality of the income gap among residents in a country. This article only compares the overall income disparity among countries in the world in the 1980s and 1990s. The static comparative study finds that: the income gap between countries in the world is extremely large; the income gap among residents is widespread in all countries in the world; the income gap between residents in developing countries is larger than that in developed countries; and the income gap among middle-income countries is greater than that in low-income countries Income inequality among income countries and lower middle income countries is greater than that of upper middle income countries; income inequality in economy transition countries is generally low; income in Latin America and the Caribbean, inhabitants of sub-Saharan Africa Income gap is greater than other regions; the larger the population, the larger the land area, the lower the urbanization level, the more unequal land distribution, the more unequal education distribution, the greater the income gap; the level of poverty depends mainly on economic development The level of income, but with the income gap between the size of a certain relationship. The dynamic comparative study finds that: the income gap among residents in the world is in an upward trend; the income gap among residents in all countries has changed; the direction and magnitude of the changes have been different; and the income gap among residents in most countries shows a long-term trend of expansion. The income gap between residents in middle and lower middle income countries widened more than that in other countries. The widening or narrowing of the income gap between residents and different economic growth coexisted. The conclusions of comparative studies have some enlightenment on the choice of public policy.
对火龙果茎腐病进行诊断和鉴定,观察其病原菌形态及培养性状,并初步测定不同火龙果品种的抗病性及几种药剂对该病害的室内毒力。鉴定结果表明,火龙果茎腐病病原为Bipolaris c
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采用硫酸水解家禽羽毛提取混合氨基酸,研究了硫酸浓度、用量、反应温度、反应时间、催化剂等因素对羽毛水解反应的影响,确定了提取氨基酸的最佳工艺条件:硫酸浓度为30% 、用量300 m L、