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半夜,急诊科来了个小病人,发热超过3天,浑身发烫、手足冰凉、睡眠时有惊跳反应。父母以为是感冒,可医生却摇了摇头。 In the middle of the night, an emergency department came to a small patient, fever more than 3 days, whole body hot, cold hands and feet, sleep when there is a shock reaction. Parents think it is a cold, but the doctor shook his head.
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非口服有机磷农药中毒是指有机磷农药经呼吸道、皮肤和粘膜吸收而引起的中毒。因中毒途径隐匿 ,其临床症状多不典型 ,故常被误诊或漏诊。本文就我院 1996年~ 2 0 0 0年 3月误