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中药是祖国医学遗产的重要组成部分,它是我国劳动人民长期以来与疾病作斗争的经验总结,对中华民族的繁衍起了积极作用。因此,继承发扬祖国医学遗产,发扬中药的优势,为四化服务,为祖国争光,已是摆在全国中医药界和广大药学工作者面前的一项艰巨而光荣的任务。可是目前中药存在的问题较之中医尤甚,有不少名老中医深感中药问题严重,发出“中药危机”的呼吁,有的说:“中医将来就亡在中药手里”。老中医的忧虑不是没有道理的,翻开中医药的历史看,整个中医历史是医药结合共同发展的历史。李时珍编纂的《本草纲 Traditional Chinese medicine is an important part of the medical heritage of the motherland. It is a summary of the experience of the working people of our country who have long struggled with disease, and has played a positive role in the reproduction of the Chinese nation. Therefore, it is an arduous and glorious task for the Chinese medicine community and the general pharmacy workers to inherit and carry forward the medical heritage of the motherland, carry forward the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, serve the four modernizations, and win glory for the motherland. However, the problems existing in traditional Chinese medicine are even worse than those in Chinese medicine. There are many famous Chinese and traditional Chinese medicine practitioners who are deeply concerned about the seriousness of traditional Chinese medicine issues. They have called for the “Chinese medicine crisis” and some have said that “Chinese medicine will die in the hands of traditional Chinese medicine in the future.” The worries of old Chinese doctors are not unreasonable. Looking through the history of Chinese medicine, the whole history of Chinese medicine is the history of the common development of medicine. Li Shuzhen’s Compendium of Compendium
银耳(Tramella Fucirmis Bark)系中医的传统滋补药物.近年来国内、外的研究表明。银耳提取物有抗幅射损伤及抗肿瘤的作用为了探讨其作用原理。选择临床上白细胞减少和免疫功
三、方所谓方,即方剂也。就是在辨证推理,确立法则的基础上选方;写出一张处方,应注意药证相符。方药的正确使用,应掌握以下各点。 1.方剂联系理和法理、法、方、药是密切联
通过研究含油量低、中、高三种铜石墨自润滑材料的滑动摩擦过程, 发现摩擦系数μ与滑动距离n 的关系曲线由三部分构成, 即d μ/dn < 0( 自润滑开始工作阶段) ,d μ/dn →+ 0( 自润滑稳态工作阶段
半夏Pinellia ternata Breit.为常用中药,自《内经》以来,主用于镇咳祛痰,和胃止呕。七十年代中期又发现半夏蛋白有抗早孕的作用,同属植物虎掌P.pedatisecta Schott具有抗癌