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1细胞色素C的进一步纯化1.1原理哺乳动物心肌细胞色素C是一种强碱性聚电解质(等电点>pH10),经弱酸性阳离子交换剂如Amberlite IRC-50(聚羧基树脂)或Decalso-F(硅酸铝)吸附后可易被洗脱。与细胞色素C制品相关的非细胞色素蛋白则不被阳离子交换剂吸附,因此容易与细胞色素C分离。 1 Further Purification of Cytochrome C 1.1 Principles Mammalian cardiomyocytes Cytochrome C is a strongly basic polyelectrolyte (isoelectric point> pH 10) that is neutralized by weakly acidic cation exchangers such as Amberlite IRC-50 (polycarboxylate resin) or Decalso- F (aluminum silicate) can be easily eluted after adsorption. Cytochrome C products associated with non-cytochrome protein is not adsorbed by the cation exchanger, and therefore easy to separate from cytochrome C.
目的 :观察胸腺肽α1(Tα1)和α干扰素 (IFNα)对健康新生儿和成人单核细胞分泌三种C -C趋化因子的调节作用 ,探讨二者用于阻断艾滋病病毒 (HIV)母婴传播的可能性及其机制。
Based on the principle of conservative matter removal in estuary,a new method is proposed for estimating the ratio of sediment resuspension in estuaries with fi
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目的 探讨妊娠期高血压疾病孕妇血及其分娩的新生儿脐血血浆中抑制素(INH)和表皮生长因子(EGF)的水平变化及其对妊娠期高血压疾病发病及胎儿生长发育的影响.方法 采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA),检测65例妊娠期高血压疾病患者(观察组)及21例正常妊娠妇女(对照组)及其分娩的新生儿脐血血浆中INH、EGF水平.结果 观察组孕妇血浆INH水平为(499±52)ng/L,对照组为(421±36)ng
目的 :探讨我院 2型糖尿病空腹血糖、血脂紊乱、体重指数与脂肪肝的关系。方法 :对 2型糖尿病并脂肪肝患者进行空腹血糖、血脂水平及身高、体重的测定 ,计算体重指数 ,并以 2
目的 探讨重组人白细胞介素 6(rhIL 6)对NOD小鼠自发性和环磷酰胺 (CY)诱发性Ⅰ型糖尿病 (IDDM)的影响及相关机制。方法 通过观察NOD小鼠用药后血糖和尿糖水平、胰腺组织病
This paper delineates the images of Jiangxi Province as tourist destination perceived by about 2000 sample visitors at Lushan Mountain and other 3 famous resort
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A simple one pot procedure for the synthesis of α-amino acyl amide with chromone,indole,and napthalene substitution pattern is presented.This protocol involves