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1月20日在“世界汽车之都”底特律闭幕的北美国际汽车展,掀开了世界汽车业在新一年的竞争大幕。销售之战、服务之战、动力之战、安全性能之战、舒适程度之战……世界汽车业界的巨头们煞费苦心筹划的市场战略,令近年来世界汽车市场硝烟四起,竞争达到白热化程度。 在这场巨头与巨头的碰撞中,优势依然者有之,铩羽折翅者亦有之。有的国家过去曾被打得一败涂地,今日却如咸鱼翻身,扬眉吐气;有的过去上不了台盘,现在却雄心勃勃要瞄准“世界第几”;还有的依靠引进技术和资本,一举甩脱无车历史…… 近年来中国等新兴大国汽车市场的火爆表现,更令世界汽车巨头们食指大动,胃口大张。它们纷纷调整战略,有的大张旗鼓,有的埋头苦干,其目的则同为一个:抢占这些新兴市场。而观察近年来国外汽车业稳步发展或陷入困境的过程,琢磨它们的市场战略,对于尚未成熟的中国汽车工业而言,应是一个有益的参考和借鉴。 January 20 at the “Auto Capital of the World” Detroit concluded the North American International Auto Show, opened the world automobile industry in the new year the curtain of competition. Sales war, war of services, power war, war of safety performance, war of comfort level ... The world’s auto industry giants painstakingly planned market strategy, so that in recent years the world auto market smoke everywhere, the competition has reached a white-hot level. In the collision between the giant and the giant, the advantage is still there, the plump fin also have it. In the past, some countries have been beaten so badly that today they are elated like salted fish. Some have not got a chance to go on stage in the past but now they are ambitious to target the “world’s best.” Others rely on the introduction of technology and capital in one fell swoop Take off the car history ... In recent years, China and other emerging powers of the automotive market, the hot performance, but also make the world’s auto giants index finger, big appetite. They have to adjust strategy one after another, some fanfare, and some hard work, the same purpose is to: seize these emerging markets. However, observing the process of the steady development or distress of foreign auto industry in recent years and considering their market strategies should be a useful reference for the immature Chinese automobile industry.
6月30日获悉,过使用 BrioPerformance Suite每年可节省1百万美元。Brio 软件帮助 June 30 learned that using the BrioPerformance Suite can save up to $ 1 million ann
20 0 3年 3月 2 0日 ,北京橡胶工业研究设计院 (北院 )与台湾中国合成橡胶股份有限公司 (简称台湾中橡 )在北京签署了“炭黑在橡胶中的应用性能研究”合作协议。北院院长李丕