扶正气 批歪风——北京市表扬十名财会干部

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1981年12月26日,中共北京市委纪律检查委员会筹备组和市委财贸部联合召开了全市整顿财政纪律动员大会。会上表扬了以国家利益为重,讲究生财、聚财、用财之道,维护财经纪律,敢于抵制不正之风的十位财会干部,号召全市财会人员向他们学习,搞好企业财务大检查工作。市委书记王纯同志在大会上讲了话。他强调指出,整顿财政纪律不仅仅是个经济问题,而且是个政治问题,归根结蒂是整顿党的作风问题。他要求各级党委要重视财会工作,为财会人员撑腰;对打击报复财会人员的案件,一定要严肃处理,限期结案。现将去年12月29日北京日报刊登的这十位同志的主要事迹转载如下: On December 26, 1981, the Preparatory Group of the CPC Beijing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Municipal Finance and Trade Commission jointly convened the city to mobilize the financial discipline and mobilization meeting. At the meeting praised the ten interests of the country, pay attention to making money, gather money, use money, safeguard financial discipline, the courage to resist the unhealthy ten financial cadres, the city’s accounting staff to learn from them and do a good job in corporate financial inspection jobs. Party Secretary Wang Chun comrades at the conference made a speech. He emphasized that the rectification of fiscal discipline is not only an economic issue but also a political issue, which in the final analysis is the rectification of the party’s work style. He demanded that Party committees at all levels should attach importance to the work of accounting and finance and support the people in the financial sector. The cases of retaliation for financial and accounting personnel must be dealt with severely and the deadline must be closed. The main stories of the 10 comrades published in the Beijing Daily on December 29 last year are reproduced below:
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