省公安厅召开全省消防部队领导干部会议宣布消防局主要领导任职命令 赵子新任局长 朱学义任政委李向华少将、张程锋厅长出席会议并发表重耍讲话

来源 :河南消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanshangliujing
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原消防局长雷成德、政委李兴全衷心祝贺新任领导班子成立,并表示竭尽全力支持新班子的工作。 新任消防局局长赵子新同志说,河南是个大省,地域广阔、人口众多,资源丰富,历史文化悠久,文化积淀深厚,也是英才辈出的地方。河南消防部队在全国也是一支很有影响的部队,过去在厅党委的正确领导下,在前任班子的组织下,无论是队伍建设、执勤灭火工作,还是干部管理、规范化建设以及对火灾隐患的整改,在全国都是很有影响的,也赢得了各级党委、政府和公安机关的充分肯定。他表示,上任班子给我们留下了好的工作基础和良好的工作环境,自己来河南工作,就是河南人了,决心把驻地当故乡,视人民如父母,义不容辞地在厅党委的领导下,努力把新一届班子建成团结、战斗、务实、创新的班子。要树立民主、公正、开拓、廉洁的个人形象,把河南消防部队建成文明之师,威武之师,争取在前任工作的基础上,尽职尽责,扎实工作,努力使我省的消防工作和队伍建设与时俱进,再上新台阶。 Former Secretary of Defense Lei Chengde and political commissar Li Xingquan expressed their heart-felt congratulation on the establishment of the new leadership team and said that every effort was made to support the work of the new team. Comrade Zhao Zixin, director of the new fire department, said that Henan is a major province with vast territory, large population, rich resources, long history and culture, profound cultural heritage and a place of excellence. Henan fire brigade is also a very influential force in the country. In the past, under the correct leadership of the party committee of the Office and under the organization of the former team, no matter whether it is team building, fire fighting or duty management, cadre management, standardization and fire hazard prevention Rectification and reform are very influential throughout the country and they have also won the full affirmation of party committees, governments and public security organs at all levels. He said that the previous team left us a good foundation for work and a good working environment. He came to work in Henan Province and was of Henan. He was determined to regard the resident as his hometown, regard the people as his parents, and under the leadership of the Party Committee and Party Committee, Efforts to build a new team unity, combat, pragmatic and innovative team. We should establish a democratic, just, pioneering and clean personal image and build Henan’s fire brigade into a division of civilized forces and a mighty force to strive for solidarity and solid work based on the previous work and strive to make the province’s fire prevention work and team building Keep pace with the times and go to a new level.
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