The Goddess of a New Era——Ode for Ma in The Grapes of Wrath

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  【Abstract】The Grapes of Wrath is one of John Steinbeck’s classic works, which depicts numerous farmers’ exile to fruitful and wealthy southern areas from their hometown, where tractors would replace their labor. It can be regarded as poor people’s epic of struggle under the current background of American Society——the transformation from small-scale peasant economy to agricultural industry. Ma, as a powerful figure growing in the social background, shows her great personalities in navigating her family through all hardships. It is a character successfully created by the writer and , in darkness, we see hope from such a woman.
  【Key words】exile; struggle; small-scale peasant economy; agricultural industry; personalities
  1. Social Background
  The story happened in the 1930’s, when Great Depression swept through every corner of American society. Before the Depression, farmers led a traditional life and men, as bread winners, held dominating position in the family and “the women studied the men’s faces secretly”. However, with the rapid social change, the farmers suffered serious challenges in material scarcity. Ma, the symbol of wisdom and braveness stood out and led the family through various obstacles. Meanwhile, she offered help to others whenever possible.
  2. Helper to others
  There are born qualities in Ma’s nature to be enthusiastic, helpful and benevolent to others, which are indicated clearly from the beginning to the end. When Reverend Casy decided to go along to the west, “the group was silent”. As the old truck could hardly load the family itself, while Ma, accepted the challenge with strong determination by saying firmly, “ It ain’t kin we? It’s will we? As far as‘kin’, we can’t do nothing, but as far as ‘will’, why, we’ll do what we will.”Instead of trying to send them away, she smiled and talked to them kindly and “lifted the pot and set it down on the ground”. It is her kindness and generosity to others that made her relationship with others harmonious and obtained help from others in time.
  3. Supporter of the old
  As a daughter-in-law, Ma did her duty to look after the senior people in the family and her patience was clearly shown in little details such as buttoning Grandpa and fanning Grandma. After Grandpa’s death, Ma “looked down at” him, “tied up his jaw”, “straightened his limbs”, “folded his hands”, “held his eyelids down and laid a silver piece on each one”, “buttoned his shirt and washed his face”. Before Grandma’s death, Ma tried to stay with her alone, fanning and comforting her. These details indicate the woman’s carefulness and deep love to Grandpa and Grandma, which earned great respect from the preacher Casy, “ John there’s a woman so great with love——she scares me.”   4. Guide of the young
  Ma held such responsibility to educate her children, especially her pregnant girl, Rose of Sharon and two youngest kids, Ruthie and Winfield. Rose of Sharon is described as an innocent girl, self-centered and filled with unrealistic ideas. She is weak and sensitive, easily influenced by the surroundings. When her husband escaped, she nearly broke down and she cried and complained. Ma encouraged her daughter patiently and even criticized her severely to lead her to grow up little by little to be a mature, independent and unselfish girl at the end of the novel, where she fed a middle-aged man with her own milk. She became the pride of the mother, indicating Ma’s completion of educating her daughter. And Ma taught Ruthie and Winfield to be polite, kind and tolerant to others and to live in the world with dignity. Ma’s high spiritual level influenced Tom greatly as well. She understand and supports Tom all the time and eventually Tom walked on the way to reform the American society.
  5. Conclusion
  In a word, Ma is a typical character successfully created by the writer. She is nearly a perfect model who symbolizes kindness, generosity, braveness, strength and dignity. She guides her family to go forward through all kinds of troubles and difficulties and left her own radiance to us, like a shining star. Goethe praised women’s greatness, “ Eternal women lead us up.” On the way to a better society, Ma tried to become a lamp, not only illuminating her own family, but also illuminating others.
  [1]Steinbeck, John. The Grapes of Wrath[J]. Penguin Books,1992.
【摘要】“互联网 ”时代背景下,翻转课堂在大学英语教学中的广泛应用和不断发展,促使大学英语教学活动的设计面临新的挑战。本文将从翻转课堂场域中大学英语教学活动的设计研究入手,探讨如何更加高效的将翻转课堂应用到英语阅读教学活动中,提高大学英语教学质量和大学生自主学习能力。  【关键词】翻转课堂;外语阅读;教学活动设计  【作者简介】孙丽红,呼伦贝尔学院。  【基金项目】课题名称:“互联网 ”时代,内蒙
【摘要】在国家教育政策的支持以及职业教育改革的推进下,近年来我国高职院校的英语教学水平得到了很大的提升,但从中高职衔接的角度来看,很多高职院校的英语教学工作却仍然存在着很大的不足,为此,本文从中高职衔接这一视角入手,对当前高职英语教学的问题进行了分析,并在此基础上对高职英语教学创新提出了一些建议。  【关键词】中高职衔接;高职院校;英语课程  【作者简介】顾新,无锡技师学院(无锡立信)。  引言 
【摘要】如何改进初中英语口语教学一直是教师们探索的话题。互联网的迅猛发展,给教师们带来了前所未有的机遇。笔者以新型移动互联网智能教学软件盒子鱼为载体,从描述、分析所带班级学生口语现状与原因,分析盒子鱼智能教学软件教学与传统英语口语教学方式的不同之处,着重探讨盒子鱼智能教学软件在英语口语教学中对于激发学生学习兴趣、提高学生语言综合运用能力所起到的重要作用。  【關键词】 英语口语;盒子鱼;教学方式;
【摘要】上海迪士尼是中国首座迪士尼主题乐园,每年吸引着大量中外游客。本文依据莱思的文本类型理论和相关跨文化理论,对上海迪士尼乐园中游乐项目名称的翻译特点进行了尝试性的探讨,以期为中国其他主题乐园中游乐项目名称的英译提供一些借鉴。  【关键词】游乐项目名称;莱思的文本类型理论;跨文化因素  【作者简介】赵秦艳(通讯作者),朱妮,常州工学院外国语学院。  【基金项目】本文是2019年江苏省高等学校大学
【摘要】随着时代的进步,我国的教育水平在不断提高。对于高中的英语教学来说,各种教育教学方式都在进步。为了进一步将高中生的批判性思维挖掘出来,我们还应该进一步在这方面进行开拓。批判性思维的培养对高中生的素质培养来说是一个比较巨大的挑战。对高中生的个人素质的培养是一个难关。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读教学;批判性思维;显性培养  【作者简介】汪敏,江苏省清江中学。  如今时代高速发展,各种信息的传播也
【摘要】语言决定论与天赋论是哲学史上两种极具影响力的学说,但很少有学者将二者作比较研究。本文选取这两种学说通过定义,比较等做进一步的分析,对人类的思维有新的认识体会之外,对于语言,语言习得等方面也具有重要启示。  【关键词】语言决定论;天赋论;思维;语言习得  【作者简介】高欣瑜,王水苗,大连海事大学,外国语学院,外国语言学及应用语言学,硕士,研究方向:英语语言学理论与教学。  一、简介  哲学史
【摘要】当前迅猛发展的时代背景下,越来越多的企业增加了对于复合型专业人才的需求,此时的ESP建筑英语课程的构建也就显得尤为必要,课程构建需要结合学习者的学习水平和学习需要,将其作为导向和基本条件,调动学生的学习主动性,提高其英语学习效率。基于此,笔者主要针对ESP建筑英语教学模式的构建方式进行了相应的分析和探讨,以下为详述。  【关键词】ESP建筑英语;教学模式;构建;措施;探讨  英語是众多国家
【摘要】本文主要从建构主义的学习四要素,即“情境”、“会话”、“协作”和“意义建构”,建构“以学生为中心”的多模态大学英语听力教學模式。建构主义视角下的多模态听力教学,以多媒体信息技术支撑,体现了认知教学的特点,充分发挥学生作为认知主体的主动性、个体性,对大学英语听力教学有一定的实际指导意义。  【关键词】建构主义;多模态;大学英语听力教学  【作者简介】谢丽丽,女,邵阳学院外国语学院讲师,硕士,
【摘要】近年来,中国美食类节目以其独特的亲和力和浓郁的现实气息走红国内外。要使其成为国外受众认识中国、了解中国,甚至爱上中国的有力工具,规范的名称翻译必不可少。本文首先探讨了音译对于名称翻译的可行性和有效度,进而阐述译名的修辞本质,之后通过《发现中国:美食之旅》 中的实例进一步论证,要想提高译名质量,译者需增强对译名修辞内涵的认识,保留原文特色的同时,不忘贴近受众,用受众熟悉的话语传播中国文化,使