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引言 为了在试验室中进一步改进发动机的机油消耗,必须重视研究缸套内孔的光洁度和制定一个适当的孔光洁度规范。在过去的几年中,发动机的用户认为机油消耗是发动机运转期间的重要指标,从而促进该研究工作的加速发展。我们希望新的发动机很快磨合,从而使发动机在较长的使用期间磨损极小。为了在缸套、活塞环和活塞之间形成一个适当的承载面,这种初期磨合是必要的。这种磨合过程形成的磨损或易碎材料必定来自缸套孔的内表面和活塞环的滑动面。微粒的尺寸必须是很小,以便悬浮在往复运动零件间的油膜间隙中。活塞环滑动面和缸套壁的表面光洁度必须起散布润滑油和贮存磨损的粒子作用。当形成适当的承载表面时,铸铁中石墨空穴或铬层裂缝便起散布润滑油和贮存磨损粒子的作用。 一些装备条件好的发动机制造者,对检查孔光洁度手段进行了许多考虑和研究,并且较好地选择了下述两种技术: 首先是复制孔表面的膜印痕,除塑料薄膜外,其方法基本上像用石膏浇制脚印模型一样,并用溶剂适当地清洗表面。然后,在偏光镜下研究这样的复制模型并获得显示表面的放大图形或摄影它并研究这 Introduction In order to further improve the engine’s oil consumption in the laboratory, attention must be paid to studying the finish of the bore in the liner and to establishing a proper hole finish specification. In the past few years, users of the engine considered oil consumption an important indicator of engine operation, thereby contributing to the accelerated development of the research. We hope that the new engine will run very quickly so that the engine will wear very little over longer periods of use. This initial run-in is necessary to create a suitable bearing surface between the liner, piston ring and piston. The abrasive or brittle material formed by this running-in process must come from the inner surface of the cylinder bore and the sliding surface of the piston ring. The size of the particles must be small enough to float in the oil gap between reciprocating parts. The surface finish of the piston ring sliding surfaces and cylinder liner walls must function as a dispersion of lubricant and abrasive particles. When a suitable bearing surface is formed, graphite cavities or chrome cracks in the cast iron act to disperse the lubricant and store the abrasive particles. Some well-equipped engine builders made many considerations and studies on the means of inspecting the finish of the hole, and chose the following two techniques well: firstly, the film impression on the surface of the hole was duplicated, except the plastic film, the method was basically Looks like a gypsum footprinting model, with a solvent that cleans the surface properly. Then, under the polarizer, study such a replica model and obtain an enlarged image of the display surface or photograph it and study this
苏联1975年的发电量为10350亿度,其中电站部所属的电站发电9700亿度,即占全国总发电量的93.5%。1975年的发电情况:火力发电8850 亿度,占86%;水力发电1300 亿度,占12%;原子能
一、目标和任务 体系是欧美国家在第二次大战后逐步发展起来的一种工业化系统组织的营建方式。它以设计、运输、施工、管理、评价等各方面在内的一套完整的营建方式来保证高