,Transcriptional Regulation of the Ambient Temperature Response by H2AZ Nucleosomes and HSF1 Transcr

来源 :分子植物(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanyan0503
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Temperature influences the distribution,range,and phenology of plants.The key transcriptional activators of heat shock response in eukaryotes,the heat shock factors (HSFs),have undergone large-scale gene amplification in plants.While HSFs are central in heat stress responses,their role in the response to ambient temperature changes is less well understood.We show here that the warm ambient temperature transcriptome is dependent upon the HSFA1 clade ofArabidopsis HSFs,which cause a rapid and dynamic eviction of H2A.Z nucleosomes at target genes.A transcriptional cascade results in the activation of multiple downstream stress-responsive transcription factors,triggering large-scale changes to the transcriptome in response to elevated temperature.H2A.Z nucleosomes are enriched at temperature-responsive genes at non-inducible temperature,and thus likely confer inducibility of gene expression and higher responsive dynamics.We propose that the antagonistic effects of H2A.Z and HSF1 provide a mechanism to activate gene expression rapidly and precisely in response to temperature,while preventing leaky transcription in the absence of an activation signal.
1 海南繁殖的必要性多年来,我省玉米自交系生产经常完不成春定计划,难以保证下年制种亲本的供应。这一问题的产生,除了与原种纯度、基地的技术管理水平和基地的地理选择等环
该文利用土壤---植物系统的富硒营养原理和技术,在低硒土壤的茶园按不同方式施 用无机硒肥,生产富硒茶叶;研究天然和人工富硒茶叶中有机硒的化学形态、生物学效应及其与绿茶