Circuit-field coupled finite element analysis method for an electromagnetic acoustic transducer unde

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shinobu1314
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This paper presents an analytical method for electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs) under voltage excitation and considers the non-uniform distribution of the biased magnetic field. A complete model of EMATs including the non-uniform biased magnetic field, a pulsed eddy current field and the acoustic field is built up. The pulsed voltage excitation is transformed to the frequency domain by fast Fourier transformation (FFT). In terms of the time harmonic field equations of the EMAT system, the impedances of the coils under different frequencies are calculated according to the circuit-field coupling method and Poynting’s theorem. Then the currents under different frequencies are calculated according to Ohm’s law and the pulsed current excitation is obtained by inverse fast Fourier transformation (IFFT). Lastly, the sequentially coupled finite element method (FEM) is used to calculate the Lorentz force in the EMATs under the current excitation. An actual EMAT with a two-layer two-bundle printed circuit board (PCB) coil, a rectangular permanent magnet and an aluminium specimen is analysed. The coil impedances and the pulsed current are calculated and compared with the experimental results. Their agreement verified the validity of the proposed method. Further- more, the influences of lift-off distances and the non-uniform static magnetic field on the Lorentz force under pulsed voltage excitation are studied. This paper presents an analytical method for electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs) under voltage excitation and considers the non-uniform distribution of the biased magnetic field. A complete model of EMATs including the non-uniform biased magnetic field, a pulsed eddy current field and the The acoustic field is built up. The pulsed voltage excitation is transformed to the frequency domain by fast Fourier transformation (FFT). In terms of the time harmonic field equations of the EMAT system, the impedances of the coils under different frequencies are calculated according to the Then the currents under different frequencies are calculated according to Ohm’s law and the pulsed current excitation is obtained by inverse fast Fourier transformation (IFFT). Lastly, the sequentially coupled finite element method (FEM) is used to calculate the Lorentz force in the EMATs under the current excitation. An actual EMAT with a two-layer two-bu The coil impedances and the pulsed current are calculated and compared with the experimental results. Their agreement verified the validity of the proposed method. Further- more, the influences of lift-off distances and the non-uniform static magnetic field on the Lorentz force under pulsed voltage excitation are studied.
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虽说夫妻本是同欢鸟,但也偶有争吵。前些天为购物,和老公在专卖店争论起来。不许我买那身有点夸张的衣服,而我,本性有点倔,越不让买,越要买。我知道,老公不是不许我买,只是他不想因我不听婆婆话而引家庭战争。  好几次,都因我喜欢时新东西而惹得婆婆唠叨半天。不是在她儿子面前尽说我不是,就是责备她儿子也不管管,任由我被那些时新货给宠坏。生性耿直的老公,每听一回婆婆唠叨,就会不分青红皂白地在房间里对我吼起来,