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目前“一卡通”、网上银行、信用卡等新型支付工具逐渐成为人们日常消费的结算方式。不少高校根据自已学校的实际情况,结合财政部、教育部的要求,对财务结算做了不同程度的调整,为无现金结算和公务卡的推行打下了基础。在现存的财务结算方式下,高校应加强财务内部控制制度。 At present, new payment tools such as “One Card”, online banking and credit cards have gradually become the settlement method for people’s daily consumption. According to the actual conditions of their own schools, many colleges and universities have adjusted the financial settlement in varying degrees according to the requirements of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education, laying a foundation for the implementation of non-cash settlement and business card implementation. Under the existing financial settlement method, colleges and universities should strengthen the financial internal control system.
Core-diameter adjustment,in analogy to doping management,is proposed in this letter for balancing thermal load and nonlinear efects.In this scheme,the core-to-c
High-brightness and color-stable two-wavelength hybrid white organic light emitting diodes (HWOLEDs) with the configuration of indium tin oxide (ITO)/ N, N, N,
Because of the disturbance of some regular waves, the deformity of reflective wave occurs, making the coherence inversion method unreliable. By using the event
Rare earth Sm3+,Pr3+doped NaSr2(NbO3)5 red phosphors were successfully synthesized.X-ray diffraction analysis indicated that all the samples were single phased.
摘 要:本文对鲁迅1924年的小说《祝福》和1956年改编的电影进行对比,通过情节的不同以及两种不同叙述角度的对比,深入分析祥林嫂的性格和不幸命运,帮助学生思考造成祥林嫂悲剧的原因。  关键词:祝福;祥林嫂;礼教;迷信  电影《祝福》改编自鲁迅的同名小说,由夏衍改编,桑弧导演,白杨主演,是中国第一部彩色电影。电影基本尊重原著,以下着重分析电影与原著的不同:  一、 情节的不同  小说《祝福》视点集