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一、食品添加剂新标准即将出台 食品添加剂与人们的日常生活密不可分。目 前,随着食品工业的发展,食品添加剂的数量 和品种会越来越多。但是,从近两年国家对食 品的抽查结果来看,食品添加剂已经成为产品 不合格的重要因素。有关人士指出,目前食品 添加剂已经成为食品安全的最大威胁,再加上 许多消费者认识的误区,谈起“添加剂”就色变。 针对目前这种现状,以及在食品添加剂标 准上与国际标准相接轨的迫切需要,我国今年 将对食品添加剂标准做大调整。国家标准委、 国家发改委、农业部等9个部门已经在去年12 月份联合出台了食品国家标准的修订计划,对 于现行加工食品的国家标准、行业标准都将在 两年内进行彻底整顿,合并部分标准,一些过 时的标准将被淘汰。同时,采用国际标准的比 例将从目前的23%提高到55%,从而减少国际 贸易中标准不统一造成的障碍。 根据最新公布的《全国食品标准2004-2005 年发展计划》,将对现有食品行业的国家标准 体系进行调整,保障食品安全成为新体系的首 要目标。根据计划,今后将在标准中明确列出 First, the new food additive standards will be introduced Food additives and people’s daily lives are inseparable. At present, with the development of the food industry, the quantity and variety of food additives will be more and more. However, from the past two years, the results of national random sampling of food shows that food additives have become an important factor in product failure. The source pointed out that at present food additives have become the greatest threat to food safety, coupled with many consumers misunderstandings, talk about “additives ” on the color change. In response to the current situation and the urgent need of conforming to international standards on food additive standards, our country will make major adjustments to the standards for food additives this year. National Standards Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Agriculture and other nine departments have jointly issued in December last year, the revised national food standards plan for the current processing of food national standards, industry standards will be completely rectified within two years, the merger part of the standard Some outdated standards will be eliminated. At the same time, the proportion of adopting international standards will be raised from the current 23% to 55%, thus reducing the obstacles caused by the unification of standards in international trade. According to the latest published “National Food Standards Development Plan 2004-2005”, will adjust the existing national food industry standards system to ensure food safety as the primary goal of the new system. According to the plan, in the future will be clearly listed in the standard
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韶山,这个安静普通的小山村,位于湖南湘潭境内,几十年前还是一个穷乡僻壤被称为“冲”的小山坳,如今却成了在国内外享有名气的旅游胜地了,因为在公元1893年12月26日,一代伟人毛泽东便诞生在故乡这个不起眼的韶山冲。  记得孩提时代,我从小学课本里就知道毛泽东出生在湖南省湘潭县韶山冲,走进学堂的第一课便是“毛主席万岁”。也就是从那时起,毛泽东便成了除父母之外,我感觉最亲近的人,而韶山冲则成了除生我养我
本文从人本法治的内在要求;当代以人为本的理念的缺失;以人为本的社会主义法治的进程出发,阐述了推进和完善以人为本的社会主义法治建设。 This article starts from the in
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