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近日,国家能源局下发《煤层气产业政策》征求意见稿(以下简称《政策》),提出“十二五”期间,建成沁水盆地和鄂尔多斯盆地东缘煤层气产业化基地。还将新建3~5个产业化基地《政策》提出要用5~10年的时间,新建3~5个产业化基地,并鼓励大型煤炭企业和石油天然气企业成立专业化煤层气公司,在勘探资格上也强调公司有良好的财务状况。 Recently, the National Energy Administration issued the Opinion on “CBM Industry Policy” (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) and put forward the CBM industrialization base in Qinshui Basin and eastern Ordos Basin during the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”. It also proposed that the “policy” of building 3 to 5 new industrialized bases be put forward in 5 to 10 years and 3 to 5 new industrialized bases will be established. Large-scale coal mines and oil and natural gas enterprises should also be encouraged to set up specialized CBM companies. During the exploration Eligibility also stressed that the company has a good financial position.
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