
来源 :电瓷避雷器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:levmg2
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在地闪连接过程中,正极性连接先导的始发和传播是决定建筑物是否遭受雷击的关键因素之一。但广泛应用于确定建筑物雷击点的滚球法并没有考虑上行正极性先导的始发过程。因此,基于充分考虑了闪电先导及其连接过程的物理先导模型,选取不同形状的建筑物对建筑物的雷击点概率问题进行了研究,通过估计复杂建筑物拐角等尖端处始发稳定的上行先导所必需的背景电场来确定建筑物雷击点的概率。结果表明:下行先导接近地面建筑物时上行先导首先起始的位置成为雷击点的概率比较高;除此之外,判断建筑物雷击点时不仅仅依赖于滚球法中强调的雷击电流的大小,建筑物的几何形状及周围因素对雷击点的估测也是不可忽视的。基于本文的研究结果可为建筑物的雷击状况的分析和今后解决复杂建筑物的雷电防护等实际应用问题提供了较好的依据。 During the glitch connection, the origin and propagation of the positive polarity lead is one of the key factors determining whether a building is struck by lightning. However, the ball rolling method, which is widely used to determine the lightning strike point of buildings, does not consider the origin of the upward positive polarity pilot. Therefore, based on the physical pilot model that takes lightning pilot and its connection into full consideration, the probability of lightning strike point of buildings is selected by choosing different shapes of buildings, and the stable upward leader is initiated by estimating the corners of complex buildings such as corners. The necessary background electric field to determine the probability of building lightning strike point. The results show that the probability that the upward leader leads the lightning strike point when the pilot is close to the ground is relatively high. In addition, judging the building lightning strike point depends not only on the magnitude of the lightning current emphasized in the ball rolling method , The geometry of the building and the surrounding factors on the lightning point of the estimate can not be ignored. Based on the results of this paper, it can provide a good basis for the analysis of lightning strike conditions of buildings and the practical application of lightning protection for complex buildings in the future.
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