HPV16 E6蛋白与hDaxx的相互作用及其对HeLa细胞凋亡的影响(英文)

来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ttt888tql
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Objective: To study the interaction of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16 E6) protein and human death domain associated protein (hDaxx) and its effect on apoptosis of HeLa cells to provide the experimental basis for exploring the oncogenic mechanism of HPV16 E6 protein. Methods: Recombinant vector of pGADT7/E6 or pGBKT7/hDaxx was con- structed. The interaction of E6 protein and hDaxx was detected by yeast two-hybrid system. Their expression in yeast was detected by Western blotting. The eukaryotic plasmids of E6 and hDaxx were co-transfected into HeLa cells. Apoptosis was induced by 5-FU. The apoptotic rate was measured by flow cytometry (FCM). Results: E6 protein had intracellular interaction with hDaxx. The apoptotic rate was rising with the increase in the transfection quantity of pcDNA3.1 (-) / hDaxx in pcDNA3.1 (-) /E6 and pcDNA3.1 (-) / hDaxx co-transfected cells. The difference was significant ( P < 0. 01). Conclusion: There is intracellular interaction between HPV16 E6 protein and hDaxx. The over-expression of hDaxx can increase the sensitivity of E6 protein positive HeLa cells to 5-FU. The effect was in a dose dependent manner. HPV16 E6 protein inhibited the apoptosis of HeLa cells by interacting with hDaxx. Objective: To study the interaction of human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16 E6) protein and human death domain associated protein (hDaxx) and its effect on apoptosis of HeLa cells to provide the experimental basis for exploring the oncogenic mechanism of HPV16 E6 protein. Methods: The interaction of E6 protein and hDaxx was detected by yeast two-hybrid system. Their expression in yeast was detected by Western blotting. The eukaryotic plasmids of E6 and hDaxx were co The apoptotic rate was induced by 5-FU. The apoptotic rate was measured by flow cytometry (FCM). Results: E6 protein had intracellular interaction with hDaxx. The apoptotic rate was rising with the increase in the transfection quantity of pcDNA3 .1 (-) / hDaxx in pcDNA3.1 (-) / E6 and pcDNA3.1 (-) / hDaxx co-transfected cells. The difference was significant (P <0.01). Conclusion: There is intracellular interaction between HPV16 E6 protein The over-expression of hDaxx can increase the sensitivity of E6 protein positive HeLa cells to 5-FU. The effect was in a dose dependent manner. HPV16 E6 protein inhibited the apoptosis of HeLa cells by interacting with hDaxx.
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