
来源 :西藏医药杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jsdkhfahdjfk
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医院药检室是为本院自制制剂的产品质量提供准确数据的检验机构,在其工作中,难免要频繁地接触各种计量器具、标准物质等,而它们的合格、准确是药检室分析检验药品质量,提供难确可靠数据的保证,因此,其计量工作的优劣,管理水平的高低在整个自制制剂的生产中有着非常重要 The hospital drug testing room is an inspection agency that provides accurate data on the product quality of self-made preparations in this hospital. In its work, it is unavoidable to frequently contact with various measuring instruments and standard materials, and their qualification and accuracy are the drug testing room analysis and testing drugs. Quality, and the assurance of difficult and reliable data, therefore, the merits of its measurement work, the level of management in the production of the entire homemade preparation is very important
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月光倾城词曲:高晓松演唱:老狼月光下的城城下的灯下的人在等人群里的风风里的歌里的岁月声谁不知不觉叹息叹那不知不觉年纪 Moonlight Allure lyrics: Gao Xiaosong concer
20世纪 60年代以后出现的肿瘤免疫疗法 ,其作用机制主要是通过刺激机体的免疫系统如淋巴系统等 ,使机体的免疫功能得到恢复和提高 ,以提高机体本身的抵抗力去杀死肿瘤细胞。
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