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能源是人类生存和发展的一个重要条件,是实现四个现代化,提高人民生活水平的重要物质基础。胡耀邦同志在党的十二大报告中指出:“当前能源和交通的紧张是制约我国经济发展的一个重要因素。”可见大力节约能源已成为国民经济中带有全局性的战略问题。钢铁工业消耗大量能源,据统计约占全国总能耗的13~14%,而我厂所消耗的能源又占全公司总能耗的37~40%,可见降低炼铁能耗对全公司节能工作有着十分重要意义。一、1982年炼铁能耗分析 1982年我厂在入炉原料铁分,烧结矿配比降低,焦炭灰分升高等不利条件下,全厂综合和焦比动力鼓风等主要能耗指标都达到历史最好水平。我厂历年能源消耗情况详见表1。 Energy is an important condition for the survival and development of mankind. It is an important material basis for realizing the four modernizations and improving people’s living standard. Comrade Hu Yaobang pointed out in the party’s 12 big report: “The current tension in energy and transportation is an important factor that restricts the economic development of our country.” Therefore, the vigorous energy conservation has become a global strategic issue in the national economy. The steel industry consumes a large amount of energy, accounting for about 13-14% of the country’s total energy consumption, while the energy consumed by our plant accounts for 37-40% of the total energy consumption of the whole company. This shows that reducing the energy consumption of ironmaking can save energy for the whole company Work is of great importance. I. Analysis of Energy Consumption of Ironmaking in 1982 In 1982, under the unfavorable conditions of iron content in raw materials, reduction of sinter mix and increase of coke ash, the main energy consumption indexes of the whole plant and coke ratio power blower reached The best level of history. I plant calendar year energy consumption as shown in Table 1.
引言 1973年,由于石油危机引起的油价急剧上涨,使日本各铝冶炼公司必须尽最大努力降低生产成本。昭和铝业公司为了克服能源成本高的问题,于其所属千叶铝厂采取了各种降低成
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一、前言如在开发(2)中阐明的,由于在 LD/BOP 转炉中将惰性气体喷入到金属而引起的金属一渣混合的效能,可能改善了冶金反应的许多特征。本开发研究了与普通 LD/BOP 转炉不同