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问:外商投资企业涉及中方职工权益的资金包括哪些内容? 答:根据现行外商投资企业财务制度的规定,外商投资企业涉及中方职工权益的资金主要包括以下内容: 1.中方职工实得工资收入。根据《外商投资企业工资收入管理暂行办法》的规定,外商投资企业应当遵循按劳分配、同工同酬的原则,自主确定企业内部工 Q: What are the funds for foreign-invested enterprises that involve the rights and interests of Chinese workers? A: According to the current financial system of foreign-funded enterprises, the funds for foreign-invested enterprises that involve the rights and interests of Chinese employees mainly include the following: 1. The actual wage income of Chinese employees. According to the Provisional Measures for the Administration of Wages and Income of Enterprises with Foreign Investment, the foreign-invested enterprises shall follow the principle of distribution according to work and equal pay for equal work, and shall independently determine the internal work of enterprises
一、认真学习清理整顿文件,层层搞好动员教育,提高全行业的思想认识 1997年7月28日,中注协召开了全国注册会计师协会秘书长工作会议。这次会议的主要精神就是传达朱副总理关
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中国戏曲艺术是植根于民间文化传统的土壤中的,它与西方戏剧的“文人戏剧传统”的背景是大相径庭的。 京剧亦然。我们思索京剧未来的命运,既须放宽视野,以历史的眼光去审视,又要