栽培密度对喜树(Camptotheca acuminata Descne)幼苗生物量及喜树碱含量的影响(英文)

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhengxkun12
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栽培密度是植物生长的重要影响因子,能够显著影响植物的生长。2004年5月,将温室培养的喜树(CamptothecaacuminataDescne)幼苗按照5种栽培密度(11、16、25、44、100株·m-2)移栽到田间,并于2004年9月中旬采收。我们对喜树幼苗的生长(包括株高和冠幅)、生物量分配、喜树碱含量和产量进行了研究。就5种栽培密度而言,喜树幼苗生物量、株高、冠幅及总叶面积均在密度为25株·m-2时最大。嫩叶喜树碱含量高于喜树幼苗其它各器官的喜树碱含量并且随栽培密度的改变有明显变化,在100株·m-2时达到最大,但其它器官喜树碱含量随栽培密度的变化不显著。栽培密度为25株·m-2时,喜树碱积累显著增强。结果显示,为得到较高喜树碱含量的喜树原料,喜树幼苗的最适栽培密度应为25株·m-2。图7参13。 Planting density is an important factor affecting plant growth and can significantly affect plant growth. In May 2004, Camptotheca acuminataDescne seedlings were transplanted into the field at five planting densities (11, 16, 25, 44, 100 plants · m-2) and harvested in the middle of September 2004 . We studied the growth of camptotheca acuminata seedlings (including plant height and crown width), biomass allocation, camptothecin content and yield. In terms of five planting densities, the biomass, plant height, crown width and total leaf area of ​​the seedlings of Camptotheca acuminatum were the largest at a density of 25 plants · m -2. The content of camptothecin in the leaves was higher than that in the other organs of Camptotheca acuminata seedlings, and the content of camptothecin reached the maximum at 100 plants per m-2 with the changes of planting density. However, the contents of camptothecin in other organs changed with the changes of planting density Not obvious. When the planting density was 25 plants · m-2, the accumulation of camptothecin was significantly increased. The results showed that in order to obtain higher content of camptothecin in Camptotheca acuminata seedlings, the optimum planting density of camptotheca acuminata seedlings should be 25 plants · m-2. Figure 7 Reference 13.
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