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The first Shandong International Cultural Industry Fair (SDICIF), with the keynote of “Culture, Creativity, Fortune” and the principle of “guided by government, participated by the public, operated by market, and managed by standards,”coveres a scope comprised of four parts, including exhibition and show, project recommendation and advertising, cultural forum and cultural events. SDICIF builds up cultural brands with exhibitions and shows, integrates cultural resources with markets, creates cultural value with trade, collects cultural information with forums, enriches cultural life with festivals, and pro- motes cultural innovation with science and technology. All these efforts aim to build up a “ceremonious cultural event and people’s festival” and establish a large-sized platform for cultural communications and economic and trade cooperation. A cultural industrial fair has brought about hopes and opportunities as well as challenges for Shandong. Confronted with it, we are both careful and full of joy. From then day when it was prepared to the day when it was successfully held, then the endless rapid development, we have done a lot and gained a lot. In retrospect, it is both experience and fortune. Shandong as a cultural powerhouse bears a time-honored history and today’s hope. We are confident of Shandong’s power. We are more confident of our efforts. The first Shandong International Cultural Industry Fair (SDICIF), with the keynote of “Culture, Creativity, Fortune ” and the principle of “guided by government, participated by the public, operated by market, and managed by standards, coveres a scope comprised of four parts, including exhibition and show, project recommendation and advertising, cultural forum and cultural events. SDICIF builds up cultural brands with exhibitions and shows, integrates cultural resources with markets, creates cultural value with trade, collects cultural information with forums, enriches cultural life with festivals, and pro- motes cultural innovation with science and technology. All these efforts aim to build up a ”ceremonious cultural event and people’s festival" and establish a large-sized platform for cultural communications and economic and trade cooperation. A cultural industrial fair has brought hopes hopes and opportunities as well as challenges for Shandong. Confronted with it, we are both From then day when it was prepared to the day when it was successfully held, then the endless rapid development, we have done a lot and gained a lot. In retrospect, it is both experience and fortune. a cultural powerhouse bears a time-honored history and today’s hope. We are confident of Shandong’s power. We are more confident of our efforts.
2009年9月我站收到8家企业送检的样品共7个品种,41份样品。有标准可比的41份,合格41份,合格率100%。其中优等品6份,合格6份,合格率100%, In September 2009, I received a t
【摘要】物理是比较难学的高中科目。不管是在学习内容的深度还是广度,和初中物理存在着很多的不同之处。因此这很多高中生在学习的过程当中经常会遇到困难。那么我们下面就已多个角度,来具体的分析一下如何克服高中物理学习障碍,从而让学生的物理成绩有所提高。  【关键词】高中物理 障碍 学习  【中图分类号】G633.7【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)41-0162-02  物理课的