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  Since March 2013, a series of R22 and R44 accidents in and out of China has attracted attention of the general aviation industry to the American manufacturer-Robinson Helicopter Company.
  一架R44在悉尼以南大约60公里的Bulli Tops地区的草地坠毁,造成4人死亡。
  On March 21st, a R44 crashed at a grassed area at Bulli Tops 60 km south of Sydney, killing four on board.
  On June 3rd, a R44 police helicopter of the Xi'an Public Security Bureau Special Police Unit crashed at Lantian County, Yushan Town during routine training flight, causing two dead and one injured.
  On July 29th, a R22 of Guangzhou Suilian Helicopter General Aviation Corporation crashed at Dagang Town, Nansha District of Guangzhou, killing the male instructor and female cadet on board.
  On August 6th, 2013, a R44 crashed at Irkutsk, Russia, killing two.
  Since March 2013, a series of R22 and R44 accidents in and out of China has attracted attention of the general aviation industry to the American manufacturer – Robinson Helicopter Company.
  Before the recent crash, Guangzhou Suilian Helicopter General Aviation Corporation had two other R22 safety incidents in 2011 and 2012 leading to emergency landings. According to the civil aviation regulator, operation of the company has been suspended for accident investigation.
  The investigation may take a while as both the operator and manufacturer are suspected for the cause of the accident. By far, no authoritative conclusion has been reached, but the surge of accidents has taken its toll, especially on the rapid growing general aviation industry in China, which is waiting to see whether the crashes were caused by design deficiency, maintenance slip, pilot error, or weather.
  罗宾逊直升机公司是美国一家著名的研制生产轻小型2~4座直升机的企业,旗下设计、生产R22、R44和R66等直升机。该公司官方表示,R22直升机已交付于世界各地的60多个国家,“它保持了在相同重量等级内的包括速度、高度和距离的每一项性能纪录。”1992年,罗宾逊直升机公司基于R22的技术经验,再次研制推出了R44“雷鸟”系列4座轻型直升机,并于1993年交付了首架R44。The Robinson Helicopter Company is a famous American manufacturer of 2 to 4 seat light helicopters, its products include R22, R44, and R66. According to the company, R22 has been delivered to over 60 countries. The aircraft holds every world record in its weight class, including speed, altitude and distance. Based on R22 technology, the four-seat model R44 Raven was launched in 1992 and first delivered in 1993.   全球保有量巨大
  美国罗宾逊直升机董事长Kurt Robinson在接受本刊采访时表示,就广州穗联直升机通用航空公司的直升机坠毁事件,他们还未得到来自该公司官方就本次事件的任何信息,但在他看来,这起事故由飞行员驾驶失误导致的可能性很大,“R22和R44的机械性能非常好,两款直升机因机械性能而引起事故的记录少之又少。”
  Large Number in Operation
  As key products of the Robinson Helicopter Company, R22 and R44 account for a very large share on the global general aviation market. There are about 30 R22 and R44 helicopters operating in China, most of which are used as trainers, making it the best-selling light helicopter in the country. The company is known for its low-price, high-standard, high-performance light helicopters, but the recent accidents have put its safety record under challenge.
  Kurt Robinson, Chairman of the Robinson Helicopter Company, told U-Jet that they have not received any official update on the Guangzhou crash probe, but in his view, the possibility of pilot error is very high. “R22 and R44 have excellent technical performance. Very few of its recorded accidents were caused by mechanical problems.”
  According to him, the company has delivered 4,500 R22 helicopters across the world, though he did not disclose how many R22 and R44 have been delivered to China.
  Yi Hai, Sales Director of PTE Systems, the distributor of Robinson helicopters in China told U-jet, "Robinson helicopters are mature models with a designed life-cycle of 10 years. They are comparatively easy to pilot and maintain." He offered no comment on the recent accidents.
  近年来频繁发生的直升机事故不仅限于罗宾逊,2012年7月,云南通用航空有限公司的一架贝尔206L-4型直升机在楚雄市青山嘴水库坠毁,1人遇难,2人受伤。2013年6月,西林凤腾通用航空公司的一架小型直升飞机斯瓦泽300,在广汉市境内青白江附近坠落,致1名机组人员死亡,1名机组人员受伤。Robinson is not the only accident-troubled helicopter in recent years. In July 2012, a Bell 206L-4 helicopter of Yunnan General Aviation Corporation crashed at Qingshan reservoir in the city of Chuxiong, killing 1 and injured 2. In June 2013, a Schwarzer 300 XiLin FengTeng General Aviation crashed in Guanghan, causing 1 dead and 1 injured.
  Helicopter Performance under Debate
  Kingwing Aviation, a subsidiary of Zenisun Investment Group, used to be the biggest customer of Robinson Helicopter Company. But about 2 years ago, Kingwing sold out all its Robinson helicopters. Xia Mingxiao, Vice President of helicopter distributor Sino-US Intercontinental, another subsidiary of Zenisun, told U-jet, "Robinson helicopters are too agile to maneuver for new cadets. Flight instructors have to always remain highly alert. Its safety and technical performance are not as reliable as other trainers." He added that because CAAC regulates that a general aviation operator has to own at least two aircraft in order to obtain the operating license, it is often start-ups that purchase R22 and R44 for their low acquisition and maintenance cost.   Whether Robinson helicopters are swift and agile may vary in different eyes, Yi said, but its advantages in price, operation, maintenance, and maneuver makes it the most popular light helicopter. As the number of aircraft goes up, so does flight hours and accidents. "If you do not fly, of course there won't be any accident." We cannot judge safety performance of an aircraft based simply on the number of accidents. The Robinson helicopters are in fact mature and safe helicopter models.
  But according to insiders, technical fault could not be ruled out as a cause of the accidents. "There could be many causes to an accident--technical fault, pilot error, or bad fuel. Jet fuel in China is sourced from various channels and its quality may vary. Inferior fuel might as well cause R22 in-flight engine shutdown." Jiang Wen, President of China at General Dynamic Aero Industry explained that "in terms of performance, pistol engine helicopters, in particular light helicopters like R22 are in general not as safe as turboprop helicopters."
  活塞发动机是利用一个或多个活塞将压力转换成旋转动能的发动机,涡轴发动机是通过一个压力室,压缩空气,再将其压入燃烧室,形成高温高压的燃气带动涡轮。涡轴发动机比活塞发动机的重量轻,其次涡轴发动机振动小,噪音小。但在单位燃油消耗率方面,涡轴发动机逊于活塞发动机。A piston engine converts air pressure to kinetic energy with one or more pistons. A turbo engine forces air through a compressor, into a combustion chamber, and drives turbine with high-temperature, high-pressure exhaust. A turbo engine is lighter, quieter, and less vibrant than a piston engine. But a piston engine burns less fuel than a turboprop.
  另外一些业内人士认为,机械故障和飞行员操作失误只是表面的现象,事故的原因应该从深层次的角度去探寻。青岛九天飞行学院市场部部长张鸿飞对本刊说:“罗宾逊直升机在非高原环境下,其可靠性和经济性还是不错的。但需要注意的是,国内航空的发展主要集中在121部旅客运输方面,国内对直升机的需求一直不旺盛,故民航局对直升机的培训以及运营制定的标准相对固定翼低,从而导致了直升机的保有量不多,国内真正能飞的直升机也就400架左右。因为飞机少,对飞行员和机务人员的数量和素质要求相对则会降低,培训和运用过程中把关也会不严。”据悉,国内直升机驾驶员培训一般在3至6个月,某些通航公司的官网资料甚至显示,学员只需要3星期的密集培训就有机会考取直升机私用驾驶员执照。   罗宾逊直升机的性能到底如何,目前各方还没有得出权威结论。在诸多因素的干扰之下,萦绕在罗宾逊直升机周围的安全疑云远未散去,而业界亟盼了解的是除了该飞机自身是否存在缺陷外,中国直升机产业发展中是否还存在更需引起重视的涉及人才培养、行业管理、发展阶段和规律在内的一系列深层次问题。
  The Big Picture
  Other insiders noted that we should look at underlying causes of the accidents rather than stop at superficial ones like technical fault or pilot error. Zhang Hongfei, Head of Marketing of Qiandao Jiutian International Flight Academy, told U-jet, "Robinson helicopters are quite reliable and economical under non-plateau environment. But it should be noted that because domestic aviation focus mainly on Part 121 passenger transportation, there is limited demand for helicopter and fewer regulation on its training and operation. There are only 400 helicopters operating in China. Less aircraft means looser training and operation regulation and lower qualification requirement for the small number of pilots and engineers."
  In China, a helicopter pilot can acquire a certificate with a training of 3 to 6 months, some general aviation operators even claim on their websites that cadets can obtain a pilot certificate with a 3-week intensive training.
  Whether aircraft performance underlines the recent crashes are still under investigation. But what the domestic industry expects to know is that apart from possible helicopter deficiencies, are there deeper questions, such as training standard, industry regulation, or development pattern of the industry that has to be addressed.
  We also approached a related official in CAAC, but because the Guangzhou accident is still under investigation, He offered on comment on recent general aviation accidents or on future policy guidance and regulating measures. But he did emphasis that we should look at the whole picture when we consider general aviation safety, any "exaggeration" or "stop eating because of a hiccup" will shake up the already weak basis of the general aviation development in China.
近日,劳力士位于上海外滩27号的全球唯一品牌体验中心“劳力士·世界”(The Rolex Experience)迎来了“蚝式传奇”——此前在巴塞尔世界钟表展上亮相的2013年全新表款将悉数亮相。为期两个月的时间里,公众将有机会近距离欣赏来自6个系列的超凡新作。这些新款腕表将技术创新与精致美感完美结合,每一枚都获得瑞士官方鉴定认可时计认证(COSC),是劳力士腕表不懈追求完美历程中的最新演绎。本次展
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8月3日,北京第一高楼——国贸大酒店成功举办了国际竞速联盟(ISF)在中国大陆的首届垂直马拉松世界巡回赛中国站比赛。这座330米高的大楼吸引了来自世界各地的600名选手前来参赛,其中包括11位专业组明星选手,他们共同角逐2013年垂直马拉松世界巡回赛(VWC)桂冠。来自德国的知名选手Thomas Dold赢得了2013年国贸大酒店垂直马拉松(中国站)的冠军,创造了这座京城第一高楼——国贸大酒店的首
“首都机场公务机楼平均每天过夜的公务机超过45架,但专门的公务机停机位只有30多个,其余10余个机位则没有着落,尤其是6月6日一天就有82架公务机同场停机,使我们的运营资源非常紧张。”首都公务机有限公司副总工程师靳永发在2013中国机场论坛上透露。  TIPS  FBO:固定基地经营商是英语中Fixed Base Operator的直译。实际上, FBO是设在机场为通用航空服务的企业,也就是为除了
伴随着私人飞机在中国风声水起,与之相关的飞机保险也逐渐受到重视。一架公务机从购买到运营维护成本甚高,作为一项高标的资产则需要投保全面的飞机保险,来为生命和财产保驾护航。  私人飞机保险主要包括:机身一切险、第三者责任险、乘客责任险和机组人员责任保险。机身一切险保障航空器发生的意外损失或损坏(包括航空器失踪),赔偿金额不超过保单列明的航空器的保险金额,还可以另外支付因航空器损坏或迫降时,为保证航空器