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岁岁月如梭,时光荏苒,作为防伪领域的知名企业,武汉华工图像技术开发有限公司(简称华工图像)以其坚韧的毅力,顽强的拼搏精神,走过了十几个春夏秋冬。独特的管理模式,“求实重信,团结开拓,没有句号,唯有拼搏”的企业宗旨,使华工图像取得了历年持续增长的辉煌业绩。 As the well-known enterprises in the field of anti-counterfeiting, Wuhan Huagong Image Technology Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as laborer image) has passed a dozen seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter with its perseverance and stubborn fighting spirit. Unique management model, “truth-seeking and re-letter, unity and development, there is no period, only hard work,” the business, so that workers made the image of the continuous growth of the past years of brilliant achievements.
从将军到奴隶,从奴隶到角斗士;一个角斗士挑战一个帝国。 From generals to slaves, from slaves to gladiators; a gladiator challenges an empire.
ratherthan,otherthan,beterthan和morethan黄积达梁穗梅1.ratherthan表示主观愿望上的抉择或客观程度上的差异,译成“宁愿……而不愿……”,“是……而不是……”,“与其说是……不如说是……”等。常以以下三种形... Ratherthan,
10.Ideed,researchers at St.Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York Cityfound that overgenerous portions were at the root of many unsuccessful weight-loss
sort/kind/type的一种用法引玉sort/kind/type用来表示“具有某特征或属于某类的人”时,其后常不必加“ofperson”等短语。例如:1.Jimmyisagoodsort:helalwayshelpafriend.(张道真:《... One use of sort/kind/type to refer to jade sort/kind/type is used
许多人认为时态是属于语法范畴,它仅仅表示动作发生的时间和进行的方式。因此,对以下这样的句子就常常无法正确地理解和领会它们的真实含义: Were you wanting to see me? I