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关于南极洲的形成,有这样一个传说。盘古开天之际,宇宙之神成功创造诺亚方舟后,十分高兴,激动地在地球最北端猛击一拳,使北极凹下一大块,南极凸出了一大块。神话中所讲的和后来发现的事实竟惊人相似,北极是一片浮冰覆盖的海洋,其周围是亚洲、欧洲和北美洲北部的永久冻土区,总面积为2100万平方千米,而南极却是由海洋包围的大陆,面积约为1390万平方千米;尤为有趣的是北冰洋最深处为5449米,而南极洲最高处 About the formation of Antarctica, there is such a legend. After Pangu opened the sky, the God of the Universe was very happy to have created Noah’s Ark. It excitedly punched the northernmost end of the earth and sunk a large chunk of the North Pole. Myths and later discoveries are surprisingly similar: the Arctic is an ice covered ocean surrounded by permafrost in Asia, Europe and northern North America with a total area of ​​21 million square kilometers, But it is surrounded by the ocean continent, an area of ​​about 13.9 million square kilometers; What is particularly interesting is the deepest Arctic Ocean is 5449 meters, while the highest in Antarctica
A modified CQESTR model, a simple yet useful model frequently used for estimating carbon sequestration in agricultural soils, was developed and applied to evalu
A field experiment was conducted at Kezuohouqi County, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China, which was located on the southeastern edge of the Horqin Sandy
山西省襄垣县人武部为确保全县40多座煤矿安全生产无事故,近期组织人武、专武干部和煤矿民兵连队开展了“一 Xiangyuan County, Shanxi Province People’s Armed Forces to
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