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目的了解布病性关节炎误诊为股骨头坏死的临床误诊吴治过程,为临床诊断治疗布病性关节炎提供参考依据。方法根据布病门诊原始记录,传染病报告卡,患者住院病历复印件综分析整理。结果 5例布病性关节炎在确诊布病前,均按股骨头坏死治疗,其疗效不佳,布病性髋,膝关节炎的声像学检查结果与股骨头坏死相似,在不注意布病流行病学史,无布病特异性实验室检查的前提下,区分布病性关节炎与股骨头坏死十分困难,极易误诊误治,应注意询问患者的布病流行病学接触史,重视布病实验室检查的应用。结论布病性髋膝关节炎与股骨头坏死性关节炎的临床症状和体征有相同之处,但也有各自的临床表现特点,应仔细问诊,防治误诊误治,减少患者的身心痛苦和经济损失。 Objective To understand the clinical misdiagnosis Wuzhi process of brucellic arthritis misdiagnosed as osteonecrosis of the femoral head and provide a reference for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of brucellosis arthritis. Methods Based on the original records of Closure Outpatient Clinic, Infectious Diseases Report Card and the copy of inpatient medical record, the paper analyzes and summarizes. Results 5 cases of cloth arthritis in the diagnosis of brucellosis before, according to the treatment of osteonecrosis of the femoral head, the curative effect is poor, brucellic hip, knee arthritis and femoral head necrosis similar to the results of the test, pay no attention to cloth Epidemiological history of disease-free, no cloth-specific laboratory tests under the premise of the distribution of pathological arthritis and femoral head necrosis is very difficult to misdiagnosis and mistreatment, should pay attention to ask patients with brucellosis epidemiological exposure history, Emphasis on brucellosis laboratory tests. Conclusions The clinical symptoms and signs of brucellic hip and knee osteonecrosis of arthritis are similar to each other. However, they also have their own clinical manifestations. Careful interrogation, prevention and treatment of misdiagnosis and mistreatment are needed to reduce the patients’ physical and mental pain and economy loss.
通过气相缓蚀性能试验、湿热试验,盐雾试验,验证了亚硝酸二环己胺(VP1-260)气相防锈纸、M-83干燥剂、DJB-823保护剂的协同作用。 The synergistic effect of VP1-260 gas ph
2003年3月18日,台湾大学第二学生活动中心B1多用途演讲厅内,掌声阵阵,这里举行着的,是台湾地区第一届直销产业高峰会。 这次峰会的主持人,是台湾地区知名直销学术专家、台湾