
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zht336
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Purpose:To evaluate postoperative astigmatism with regard to incision-induced astigmatism and deviation in axial alignment with the use of preoperative limbalmarking with the Javal keratometer(Haag Streit,Bern,Switzerland) in eyes implantedwith the Artisan toric phakic intraocular lens(IOL) (Ophtec,Groningen,The Netherlands) .Design:Prospective nonrandomized trial.Participants:Fifty-four eyes of 33 patients with myopia(mean,-9.67 diopters [D]) and astigmatism(mean,-3.44 D) .Intervention:The enclavation site was marked on the limbus using the Javal keratometer.The Artisan toric phakic IOL was implanted according to the axis marked on the limbus.Followup was a minimum of 6 months.Main Outcome Measures:Safety index,efficacy index,predictability,safety,and vector analysis of total refractive correction were determined.The effects of axis misalignment and incision-induced astigmatism on the final refractive error were evaluated.Results:At 6 months after surgery,the safety index was 1.29± 0.29 and the efficacy index was 1.04± 0.35.Mean spherical equivalent subjective refraction reduced from-11.39± 4.86 D before surgery to-0.38± 0.57 D at 6 months.Sixty-seven percent of eyes were within 0.50 D of attempted refraction and 89% were within 1.00 D.Mean preoperative cylinder was 2.92± 1.60 D at 91.4°.At 6 months,the mean cylinder was 0.28± 0.54 D at 174.3°.No eyes lost 2 or more lines of best-corrected visual acuity at 6 months.Eighty-three percent of eyes achieved uncorrected visual acuity of 20/40 and 28% achieved 20/20.Vector analysis of total surgically induced astigmatism revealed a mean cylindrical change of 3.21± 1.71 D.Average axis misalignment was 0.37± 5.34°.The mean incision-induced astigmatism was 0.74± 0.61 D at 0.2°.Conclusions:Implantation of the myopic toric IOL leads to safe,efficacious,and predictable results.The level of unpredictability caused by minor axis IOL misalignment has minimal effects on the residual refractive error.The procedure of axis alignment with the Javal keratometer seems to be an accurate method of marking the eye for toric IOL implantation.Incision-induced astigmatism can result in an overcorrection of the cylinder.A systematic undercorrection of-0.50 D for attempted cylindrical outcome could result in an achieved correction closer to emmetropia. Purpose: To evaluate postoperative astigmatism with regard to incision-induced astigmatism and deviation in axial alignment with the use of preoperative limbalmarking with the Javal keratometer (Haag Streit, Bern, Switzerland) in eyes implanted with the Artisan toric phakic intraocular lens (IOL) (Ophtec , Groningen, The Netherlands). Design: Prospective nonrandomized trial. Participants: Fifty-four eyes of 33 patients with myopia (mean, -9.67 diopters [D]) and astigmatism (mean, -3.44 D). Intervention: The enclavation site was marked on the limbus using the Javal keratometer. The Artisan toric phakic IOL was implanted according to the axis marked on the limbus. Vollowup was a minimum of 6 months. Main Outcome Measures: Safety index, efficacy index, predictability, safety, and vector analysis of total refractive correction were determined. These effects of axis misalignment and incision-induced astigmatism on the final refractive error were both. Results: At 6 months after surgery, the safety index was 1.29 ± 0 .29 and the efficacy index was 1.04 ± 0.35 .Mean spherical equivalent subjective refraction reduced from -11.39 ± 4.86 D before surgery to-0.38 ± 0.57 D at 6 months. Sixty-seven percent of eyes were within 0.50 D of attempted refraction and 89 % were within 1.00 D. Man preoperative cylinder was 2.92 ± 1.60 D at 91.4 ° .At 6 months, the mean cylinder was 0.28 ± 0.54 D at 174.3 ° .No eyes lost 2 or more lines of best-corrected visual acuity at 6 months .Eighty-three percent of eyes achieved uncorrected visual acuity of 20/40 and 28% achieved 20 / 20. Vector analysis of total surgically induced astigmatism revealed a mean cylindrical change of 3.21 ± 1.71 D. Average axis misalignment was 0.37 ± 5.34 °. The mean incision-induced astigmatism was 0.74 ± 0.61 D at 0.2 ° .Conclusions: Implantation of the myopic toric IOL leads to safe, efficacious, and predictable results. The level of unpredictability caused by minor axis IOL misalignment has minimal effects on the residual refractive error.The procedure of ax is alignmentwith the Javal keratometer seems to be an accurate method of marking the eye for toric IOL implantation.Incision-induced astigmatism can result in an overcorrection of the cylinder. A systematic undercorrection of-0.50 D for attempted cylindrical outcome could result in an achieved correction true closer to emmetropia.
Studies of the mechanism of HIV entry and transmission have identified multiple new targets for drug development. A range of inhibitors have demonstrated potent
靠一支笔就能把心里所有的欢愉与悲伤如同月光一般倾泻出来,这种感觉很奇妙。文字仿佛具有一种力量,能包容世间的一切,也能构建出一个光怪陆离的世界。一千个人眼里有一千个哈姆雷特,文字从来不会给你一个固定的答案,却用一个个词汇顺着思绪排列组合,满足所有人的想象。  春风、夏雨、秋霜、冬雪,让人一听,心中就生出了欢喜。身旁一切事物被写在了纸上,却似乎分分钟能跳动起来拨动心上的那根弦。文字中有对世界的深情和对
一  世人皆知林语堂烧结婚证的故事,却极少有人知道,廖家为鼓浪屿首富,而林家只是穷牧师。林语堂求陈家小姐不得,陈家做媒介绍了廖家。明知道他心有所属,家世普通,廖翠凤却一口答应了婚事,对母亲说:“穷有什么关系。”  从此天涯海角跟随,就是一辈子。林语堂没有娶到最爱,却是遇见了一位真正的贤妻。  所以,这话真是婚姻之道的至理名言一“既娶之,则爱之。既处之,则惜之”。  或许人人心中都有一个求而不得的人