Novel Antiviral Agents Targeting HIV Entry and Transmission

来源 :Virologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rovewind
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Studies of the mechanism of HIV entry and transmission have identified multiple new targets for drug development. A range of inhibitors have demonstrated potent antiretroviral activity by interfering with CD4-gp120 interaction,coreceptor binding or viral-cell fusion in preclinical and clinical studies. One of these agents,fusion inhibitor enfuvirtide,is already in clinical use. Here we review the progress in the development of specific entry inhibitors as novel therapeutics. The potential of entry inhibitors as topical microbicides to block HIV transmission is also discussed. Studies of the mechanism of HIV entry and transmission have identified multiple new targets for drug development. A range of inhibitors have demonstrated potent antiretroviral activity by interfering with CD4-gpl20 interaction, coreceptor binding or viral-cell fusion in preclinical and clinical studies. One of Here we review the progress in the development of specific entry inhibitors as novel therapeutics. The potential of entry inhibitors as topical microbicides to block HIV transmission is also discussed.
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