On Characteristics of Business English Translation

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  1. Introduction.
  Nowadays, the standard of English translation is multiple and disputable. As business English become more and more universal and important now, the translation characteristics of business English also has become a hot issue. Whether we should translate business English according to the old translation standard or use some practical rules?Whether the characteristics are unique for business English or common in all the English translation? In past years, we find that many scholars had found their own approaches, but one thing they often ignore is the importance of practical translation when faced with different ESP (English for Specific Purposes) nowadays.
  2. Characteristics of business English translation
  It’s necessary for us to translate business English according to its feature. Talking about the characteristics of business English is also this thesis’s crucial point.
  2.1 Faithfulness
  In business English translation, translators must translate all the business information with serious, faithful attitude. Firstly, faithfulness is the basic requirement. Secondly, faithfulness is the responsibility. Any mistake even a number may lead to a fatal loss to business and the translator may be charged with great legal responsibility. Thirdly, faithfulness is moral. Whoever you do business with and what business language you translate, faithfulness is admired morality among international business.
  2.2 Expressiveness
  On one hand, translators should readily grasp what lies in business fixed terms and sentences and be objective about what being translated. Take this example:
  (1)The new assault on NAFTA rests on a single premise: exports are good, imports are bad. (From Language Culture and Translation)
  At first, the translator should know exactly what NAFTA is. This fixed term is known as North American Free Trade Agreement, and then the word “premise” is a key word to translate. So translator can get that this is only a condition supposed to be true, not a precondition. On the other hand, expressiveness means the texts or conversations been translated should be communicated.
  2.3 Accuracy
  Business English must obtain accuracy, for business depends on all the facts in authentic materials such as numbers, diagrams, times, firm offers and orders, thus, faced with extensive information, the translator should remember accurately about all the important details and sum up the idea.   (2)On April 4th, it closed 18% down from its record high on March 10th .At one stage on April 4th it had fallen by 14% on the day. Typically, it then rose on April 5th.
  (From Language Culture and Translation)
  From this example, the significant point is to translate accurately about the numbers, dates, and conditions of the index.
  2.4 Succinctness
  Business asks for time and efficiency, people like the familiar, multifunctional words, which is also a basic principle in business communication. In the competing business environment, how to lower the cost and improve efficiency has become a core element of success, thus, modern communication tools, such as telegrams and emails, requires the language to be succinct. The key feature of succinctness is to organize the message, signal intention, and emphasize important points. The familiar forms of succinctness in business English can be initials and clipped words. Initial words are always used for technical words and the name of the corporations, such as L/C (letter of credit),B/L(Bill of Lading),FOB(free on board),CIF(cost,insurance and freight). Clipped words are always part of the word, like biz, corp. and so on.
  3. Conclusion
  It’s recommended that when translating business English, we should consider the basic standard: faithfulness and expressiveness, also we should translate it practically as one of the ESP (English for specific purposes). Business English requires translator to be faithful and expressive, which is the basic standard of translation, and be accurate and succinct, which is the essential need for business English translation. As business English learners, we may attend more translation activities and practice, and only by this can we translate business English well.
【摘要】 本文以深度学习理论为依托,讨论初中英语读写课教学现状,提出对教师的授课要求,并通过具体的课例设计,探究如何运用多种活动帮助学生实现读写的深度学习,以期达到知识的理解与迁移,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。  【关键词】 深度学习;初中英语;读写课  【作者简介】李程(1987.09-),女,河北东光人,天津市第三中学,中学二级,本科,研究方向:中学英语教学。  深度学习概念源于芬兰学者的一项
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