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  It’s easy to get sick of having the same weather day after day, but drastic changes can really shake people up. These are some of the rarest natural phenomena out there—some are beautiful, and others are deadly.
  Solar Tsunami
  In the middle of the year 2013, two satellites caught something unusual happening on the surface of the sun. A tsunami was rolling on its surface as a reaction to a coronal mass ejection into space.
  The Japanese satellite Hindoe and the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) are instrumental in researching events that happen on the sun, and they both study its ultraviolet light to establish the exact conditions on the surface. Hindoe was also thought to have gathered enough data for experts to finally figure out why the corona of the sun is thousands of degrees hotter than its surface. It was during all of this research that scientists became aware of shock waves following the coronal mass ejection. This incident was very similar to the movement of a tsunami on Earth after an earthquake has taken place.
  Inversion Clouds
  Just after Thanksgiving in 2013, visitors at the Grand Canyon noticed something weird—the canyon was rapidly filling up with a thick fog. Tourists were left in awe when the fog rolled into the park and eventually formed what looked like a waterfall of clouds. This weather anomaly is known as an inversion.
  An inversion is caused by cold air remaining near the ground and warmer air moving over it. The inversion at the Grand Canyon started when a storm moved through just before the holiday, causing the ground to freeze. When the warmer air then moved through afterward, the beautiful inversion phenomenon took place. Rangers at the park confirmed that much smaller inversions occur fairly often, but the larger ones that fill up the entire canyon only happen every ten years or so. This one lasted the whole day, with the fog only dissipating when it started getting dark.   逆温的形成是由于冷空气停留在了近地面,而温度更高的空气持续上升。在感恩节的前一天,一场暴风雨袭击了科罗拉多大峡谷,导致地面冰冻。随后,当温暖的气流开始向上移动,就带来了美丽的逆温现象。公园管理员表示,小范围的逆温现象相当常见,但大范围的发生于整个峡谷的逆温现象大约十年才发生一次。这次的现象持续了一整天,雾气直到夜色降临时才逐渐散去。
  Colorful Solar Storm
  We all know the northern lights, which usually appear as blue and green swirls in the sky. However, sometimes solar storms are so intense that they cause a kaleidoscope of colors to appear and can also be seen in regions where people have never witnessed them before. In 2012, one of these intense solar storms created a particularly beautiful aurora over Crater Lake in Oregon. It was believed by scientists that two clouds of glowing particles were flung toward Earth by sunspots bigger than our planet. The intensity of the auroras caused them to be seen as far as Maryland and Wisconsin.
  Residents of the east coast of the United States were experiencing an ordinary snow storm in 2011 when they suddenly witnessed flashes of lightning and streaks of thunder intermingled with the snow. Thundersnow was happening right in front of their eyes.
  Thundersnow mimics the inner workings of a normal thunderstorm by forming through the upward movement of humid air. It’s the combination of lower humid air and higher cooler air that cause lightning and thunderstorms. Weather experts noted that the occurrence of thundersnow likely means more heavy snowfalls. Researchers have found that there’s an over 80 percent chance that a minimum of 6-inch deep snow will fall within a radius of 70 miles of the lighting flash taking place during a snowstorm.
Chinese food is not a foreign concept to the United States. But some recipes have gotten lost in translation.  The latest example is the Chinese smashed cucumber trend that has recently popped up in N
【摘要】我国经济在改革的过程中,建筑行业得到较快发展,对于建筑工程项目而言,需要对建筑工程科学管理,既可提升工程质量,又能降低施工成本。随着我国科学技术的不断发展,BIM技术在建筑行业中应用较为广泛,能够全面满足建筑工程管理需求,以此能够为建筑行业的未来发展奠定良好的基础。本文首先阐述了BIM技术概述以及优势,最后着重探讨了BIM 技术在建筑工程施工管理中的应用,以此提出几点意见,以供参考。  【
开发了一套基于激光拉曼散射的多通道气体光学检测系统,应用于空气中主要组分的摩尔分数定量测量.针对性的设计了532 nm激光脉冲展宽器,能有效地避免脉冲激光在高能量状态下
【摘要】我国经济发展水平不断提高,在很大程度上促进了房地产行业的发展,也使得人们对于房屋建筑工程的质量要求越来越高。因此,对于房屋建筑工程施工单位与相关工作人员来说,应该高度重视,对工程施工质量不断提升,从而使其能够满足人们日益增长的需求。在本文中,首先对房屋建筑工程施工质量管理存在的问题进行了分析,并在此基础上,对施工质量管理措施进行了研究与探讨,仅供参考。  【关键词】房地产施工;施工质量;管
【摘要】基于提高建筑低压电气安装作业水平的目的,围绕安装施工管理问题,做简单的论述,提出优化安装管理的策略,共享给相关人员参考。从安装施工的角度分析,要严格按照施工方案,把关安装环节的质量与效果,进而达到低压电气安装作业的标准与要求。  【关键词】建筑工程;低压电气;安装管理  现阶段,建筑系统中低压电气系统是基本组成部分,影响着使用者的安全和体验感,要做好严格把控。目前,很多新设备和新工艺等被应
The 2015 list of the greatest emerging technologies was published by Bernard Meyerson, chief innovation officer of IBM and chair of the World Economic Forum’s Meta-Council on Emerging Technologies.  I