How to Enhance Listening Comprehension

来源 :大学英语 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dillon100200
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According to the College English Syllabus,its teaching aims areto develop in the students a proficient reading ability,a certain listeningand translating ability,and an elementary writing and speaking ability.This is the first time that the language skills of listening,writing,and speak-ing have been incorporated into the syllabus.This is really a break-through in our teaching of college English. According to the College English Syllabus, its teaching aims areto develop in the students a proficient reading ability,a certain listening and translating ability, and an elementary writing and talking ability.This is the first time that the language skills of listening,writing,and speak -ing have been incorporated into the syllabus.This is really a break-through in our teaching of college English.
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