How to Improve1 Your Focus2 on Study 如何提高学习注意力

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  We’ve all been there. You try to focus on your book and soon you’re looking out the window, thinking about dinner, football game after school and the movie you plan to see this weekend. You will have trouble3 finishing work on time. Here are some suggestions4 to deal with this problem and improve your study skills.
  1. Study one subject at a time
  1. 一次学习一个科目
  If you’re feeling really stressed5, you may study 3 subjects at the same time, because you’re so worried about all of them. But that will make each work more difficult to finish, make everything take longer, and you may do a terrible job on each subject. Spend some time studying for one subject, take a break, and then start studying for the next one.
  Studies have shown that you can get much more enjoyment6 if you focus on one subject and do a good job, and then move on to the next one.
  2. Follow a study plan
  2. 遵守学习计划
  Keep a list of all your tests and work. For each day, write down the homework you have to do and when you plan to do it. It can be helpful to write down other time you can work on the study for big tests, so that you don’t put off them to the last minute.
  3. Take notes and ask yourself questions as you read
  3. 做笔记,在阅读时向自己提问
  Reading to study isn’t like reading a book for fun: You have to make sure you are focusing on and remembering the information7. As you read a book or a text, ask yourself about what you’ve just read. You will find out how much you have learned. Take notes by writing down the most important information.
  Some textbooks will also mark8 the most important information in bold9, or have review10 parts. It will help you remember what you’re learned, and point out what you don’t understand. That’s where you need to do more studying or ask for help.
  Don’t tell yourself, “I’m no good at this subject.” Tell yourself, “I can learn more if I ask questions and practice.”
  1. improve [
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