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<正> “To be or not to be.”Of all famous words in the literature of theworld the six words spoken by Hamlet when he is thinking aloud are perhapsthe most famous.They are the best known words in the golden treasury ofliterature,for they have sunk into
The Hanjingtang Hall site is a ruined building complex on a water-surrounded island in the Yuanmingyuan Palace. It covers an area of over 60,000 sq m, of which above 30,000 sq m are occupied by building vestiges. There were more than 30 building units, wh
In 2003, archaeological excavation revealed on the site of Taosi walled-town the northern entrance of the core building complex in the palace area of the early and middle Taosi culture. The vestiges comprise zigzag road-foundations of shutter-rammed earth
The Jin period mausoleums lie at the foot of Mt. Dafangshan in the southwest of Beijing City. They form a vast imperial tomb precinct, which was built for 60 years in the reigns of the Jin rulers Hailongwang, Shizong, Zhangzong, Weishaowang and Xuanzong.
In April 2002, the Beijing Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics discovered two brick tombs of the Liao period at Qingyundian in Daxing District, Beijing City. The tombs are identical in shape. Either has a single chamber and a dome built of livid bricks
一、遗址概况与发掘地点 辕村遗址位于山西省运城市夏县裴介镇辕村南部,是一处以新石器时代和夏商时期遗存为主体的古代聚落遗址。遗址东、南部为崎岖高耸的中条山脉,西、北部为相对低缓的鸣条岗丘陵。南部约4公里为运城盐湖。遗址临芦沟河,属于青龙河的下游河段,