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In April 2002, the Beijing Municipal Institute of Cultural Relics discovered two brick tombs of the Liao period at Qingyundian in Daxing District, Beijing City. The tombs are identical in shape. Either has a single chamber and a dome built of livid bricks, and consists of a passage, a gate, a gate wall, a corridor and a chamber. The chamber is decorated with paintings on the inner wall. Among the funeral objects are ceramics and copper coins. The excavation provided new data for studying the tombs of the early Liao period as to their architectural form, the style of their murals and the evolution of their mourning goods.
一、前言 八连城遗址地处吉林省珲春平原的西北部,位于珲春市西6公里。现在城址及周边地带属珲春市良种场耕地,近处地势平坦、河渠密布,远处群山环抱。城址西面2.1公里处图们江自西北向东南流淌,东面7公里珲春河自东北流向西南,于城址南方汇入图们江。遗址中心地理坐标为东经130°16′58″,北纬42°51′30″,海拔36米。城址中轴线为极南北方向(图一)。
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