Peter and the beanstalk

来源 :第二课堂(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:net_worm
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  (导读:Peter lives with his mother, and they are very poor. One day Peter sells the cow for some beans. His mother is angry, but the beans are magic!)
  Peter lived with his mom and they were very poor. They lived on their cow and its milk. One day, the cow stopped giving milk and they decided to sell their cow. Peter took cow to the market, where he met a magic man! The magic man offered him a few beans in exchange of the cow.
  Peter happily returned home with the beans. However, his mom shouted at him for returning home without money and threw away the beans. It was not known that the beans were magical beans!
  The next morning Peter and his mom were surprised to see the beans grow into a huge beanstalk, reaching the sky. Peter rushed to the beanstalk and climbed on it. The beanstalk was very tall as it reached a beautiful castle on the sky. It was a giant’s castle.
  The giant was sleeping and he saw lots of gold coins and money spread all over the castle. There was a golden table in the castle. He saw a golden goose laying gold eggs. The rest of the story tells how Peter took away the golden eggs and escaped from the giant.
  Peter and his mother lived happily!
  beanstalk n. 豆茎, 豆秸
  castle n.城堡,堡垒
  giant n. 巨人, 巨兽
  1. Question: How did Peter become rich? (为什么Peter变得富有了)
  2. Mixed-up sentence exercises:(单词组句)
  (1)and, their, cow, lived,its, on, milk, they
  (2) eggs,he, golden, saw, a, laying, goose, gold,
  答案:1. He took the golden eggs home.
  (1) They lived on their cow and its milk.
  (2) He saw a golden goose laying gold eggs.
in front of是一个同学们比较熟悉的有用搭配,它的特点是:第一个词是介词in,最后一个词是介词of,中间的名词前没有任何修饰语(既没有冠词也没有物主代词),整个短语相当于一个
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