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铝铸件的化学成分、铝液净化、凝固过程、浇注温度和热处理对机械性能起主要的影响。作为原料的铝锭中,含铁量愈低则延伸率愈高。低的含铁量也改善铸件的抗拉强度和屈服强度。例如:当含铁量从0.6%降低到0.2%时,屈服强度可提高6千磅/时~2,延伸率提高2.5%。在热处理时,由于镁和硅在Al-Mg-Si合金中形成Mg_2Si强化相,所以提高镁含量导致较高的抗拉强度和屈服强度,但也降低延伸率。合理的精炼和除去熔液中的气体(H)和氧化物可以提高机械性能。氧化物除降低机械性能外,还增加机械加工过程中的工具磨损。从除气来说,氯仍然是有效的精炼剂, The chemical composition of aluminum castings, aluminum liquid purification, solidification process, casting temperature and heat treatment on the mechanical properties play a major role. As the raw material of aluminum ingot, the lower the amount of iron, the higher the elongation. Low iron content also improves the tensile strength and yield strength of the castings. For example, when the iron content is reduced from 0.6% to 0.2%, yield strength can be increased by 6 kips / hr ~ 2 and elongation increased by 2.5%. At the time of heat treatment, since magnesium and silicon form a Mg 2 Si reinforcing phase in the Al-Mg-Si alloy, increasing the magnesium content leads to higher tensile strength and yield strength but also decreases the elongation. Reasonable refining and removal of gas (H) and oxides in the melt can improve the mechanical properties. In addition to reducing the oxide mechanical properties, but also increase the tool wear and tear during machining. From degassing, chlorine is still an effective refining agent,
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Dinosaur fossils have been periodically unearthed in various parts of China for more than a century. In 2006, the fossils of the Stegosaur that bear the largest