Huan Xiang: The Natural Sciences and the Social Sciences: Their Mutual Permeation and Influence

来源 :Social Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xudatui
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Huan Xiang analyzes the problem of the overly fine division of our university education sections, and the narrow range of knowledge of many students. He points out that in the past we could distinguish the natural, Social and applied sciences and considered them to be like the three legs of a tripod. Today they are increasingly linked closely together, mutually penetrating and Huan Xiang analyzes the problem of the overly fine division of our university education sections, and the narrow range of knowledge of many students. He points out that in the past we could distinguish the natural, Social and applied sciences and considered them to be like the three legs of a tripod. Today they are increasingly linked, together, mutually penetrating and
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