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东北抗日义勇军精神,是中华民族抵御外侮精神的重要组成部分。它是在日军悍然发动九一八事变,企图变中国东北为日本殖民地,同时正规军没能实施有效抵抗的背景下,由东北民众自发组织起来的抗日队伍。其构成成分的广泛性以及不惧牺牲的保家卫国情怀,可以提炼为抗日义勇军精神,也可称其为国歌精神。东北义勇军尽管其崛起具有地域性,然而其精神却属于全中国的,属于中华民族的。它是局部抗日战争的重要标志。精忠报国的爱国情怀,坚韧不拔的无所畏惧精神,不计个人利害得失的“毁家抗日”义举,舍生取义的视死如归精神等,构成了其精神品质的具体内容。 The spirit of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army is an important part of the Chinese nation’s resistance to foreign aggression. It is the anti-Japanese contingent organized by the northeast people spontaneously under the background of the Japanese military’s instigation of the September 18 Incident in an attempt to turn China’s northeast into a Japanese colony while the regular army failed to implement effective resistance. The breadth of its composition and the fear of sacrifice and defending the homeland can be refined into the spirit of the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, which can also be called the national anthem. Although the rise of northeast volunteer army is regional, its spirit belongs to all China and belongs to the Chinese nation. It is an important symbol of the local Anti-Japanese War. Patriotic feelings of loyalty to serve the country, indomitable fearless spirit, regardless of personal gains and losses “destroy the family anti-Japanese ” righteous conduct, sacrificing his life and death as the solemn spirit, constitute the specific content of their spiritual qualities.
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