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玉溪地区科技情报研究所成立13年来,不断深化改革,为玉溪地区经济发展做出了可喜的成绩。情报所开展对内对外的科技文献服务和研究工作。在传递和报道科技信息,检索和查寻情报方面:“八·五”期间,他们先后创编了《玉溪科技信息》、《项目开发指南》、《科技参考》3种服务于区内的信息资料,年发行量达5400册之多,并采取直接服务于基层的方式,组织人员到农村、厂矿巡回发布信息,近5年来共开展咨询服务1.8万人次,提供信息3860条。还建立了以各县科委为枢纽,各乡镇办事处和企业为终端单位的信息网络。目前入网单位已扩大到200家左右。使玉溪地区的科技信息覆盖率由零发展到30%。为了扩大信息源,在玉溪能了解省外乃至世界的经济发展动态,1993年他们与北京经信公司实现了微机联网,能尽快获得国内最新政策法规,国内外科技信息、物资贸易信息。在信息研究方面:1994年他们完成了《玉溪地 Since its establishment 13 years ago, Yuxi Prefecture Institute of Scientific and Technical Information has continuously deepened the reform and made gratifying achievements in the economic development of Yuxi. Information carried out by domestic and foreign science and technology literature and research services. During the transmission and reporting of scientific and technological information, search and search of intelligence: During the “August 5” period, they successively created three kinds of information that serve “Yuxi Science and Technology Information”, “Project Development Guide” and “Science and Technology Reference” Data, the annual circulation of up to 5400 as much as, and take the direct service at the grassroots way to organize personnel to the countryside, factories and mines roving release of information, the past 5 years a total of 18,000 consulting services, providing information 3860. Also established a county science and technology commission as a hub, township offices and businesses as the terminal unit of information network. The current network has expanded to about 200 units. Yuxi area of ​​science and technology information coverage from zero to 30%. In order to expand the source of information, Yuxi can understand the economic development outside the province and even the world. In 1993, they realized the microcomputer networking with Beijing Economic Information Co., Ltd. and obtained the latest domestic policies and regulations, domestic and international scientific and technological information and material trade information as soon as possible. In information research: In 1994, they completed "Yuxi
A new lignan glycoside was isolated from the n-butanol extract of the roots and rhizomes of Sinopodophyllum emodi.On the basis of spectral evidences,its structu
诺维信公司的合作伙伴意大利Mossi&Ghisolfi集团(M&G)于2011年4月12日宣布,将于2012年在意大利西北部的Crescentino投产1.3×107gal/a(1 gal≈3.785 L)纤维素乙醇装置,该装置