Vice President Shen Wenqing Meets with NSERC Executive Vice-President

来源 :Science Foundation in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxie20092009
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NSFC Vice President,Prof.Shen Wenqing met with Ms.Margaret McCuaig-Johnston,Executive Vice-President of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada(NSERC) on August 9,2012. Prof.Shen extended his welcome to Ms.Margaret McCuaig-Johnston for her visit to NSFC and then gave a brief introduction on NSFC.Speaking of the tie between NSFC and NSERC,Prof.Shen said that the MoU between the two organizations was signed in as early as 1987,with intention to promote exchange NSFC Vice President, Prof.Shen Wenqing met with Ms. Margaret McCuaig-Johnston, Executive Vice-President of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) on August 9, 2012. Prof.Shen extended his welcome to Ms. Margaret McCuaig-Johnston for her visit to NSFC and then gave a brief introduction on NSFC. Speaking of the tie between NSFC and NSERC, Prof. Shen said that the MoU between the two organizations was signed in as early as 1987, with intention to promote exchange
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