Theoretical study of N(C)―H…H―B multi-dihydrogen bonds

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xqxcb
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The optimized geometries, frequencies and interaction energy corrected with basis set superposition error (BSSE) of the multi-dihydrogen bond complexes C4H4NH…BH4.-and CH≡CH…BH4.-have been calculated at both the B3LYP/6-311++G** and the MP2/6-311++G** levels. The calculations were per-formed to study the nature of the N―H…H3―B and C―H…H2―B red shift multi dihydrogen bond in complex C4H4NH…BH-4 and CH≡CH…BH-.4 The BSSE-corrected multi-dihydrogen bond interaction en-ergy of complex I (C4H4NH…BH4-.) and complexⅡ(CH≡CH…BH-.4) is -76.62 and -33.79 kJ/mol (MP2/6- 311++G**), respectively. From the natural bond orbital(NBO)analysis, we detailedly discussed the orbital interactions, electron density transfers, rehybridizations and the essential of the correlative bond length changes in the two complexes. In addition, solvent effect on the geometric structures, vibration frequencies and interaction energy of the monomer and complexes was studied in detail. It is relevant to the relatively dielectric constants (ε). The optimized geometries, frequencies and interaction energy corrected with basis set superposition error (BSSE) of the multi-dihydrogen bond complexes C4H4NH ... BH4.- and CH≡CH ... BH4.- have been calculated at both the B3LYP / 6-311 ++ G ** and the MP2 / 6-311 ++ G ** levels. The calculations were per-formed to study the nature of the N-H ... H3-B and C-H ... H2-B red shift multi dihydrogen bond in complex C4H4NH ... BH-4 and CH≡CH ... BH-.4 The BSSE-corrected multi-dihydrogen bond interaction en-ergy of complex I (C4H4NH ... BH4-.) and complex II (CH≡CH ... BH- .4) is -76.62 and -33.79 kJ / mol (MP2 / 6- 311 ++ G **), respectively. From the natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis, we detailedly discussed the orbital interactions, electron density transfers, rehybridizations and the essential of the correlative bond length changes in the two complexes. In addition, solvent effect on the geometric structures, vibration frequencies and interaction energy of the monomer and complexes was studied in detail. It is r elevant to the relatively dielectric constants (ε).
Novel and effective H-shaped chromophores were doped into polymethyl methacrylate(PMMA)to form guest-host polymer thin films.The measurement results of Maker fr
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