
来源 :广西农村经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyn5210
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广西自1982年恢复开办农村保险业务以来,为适应农村商品经济发展和农村经济体制改革的需要,不断拓展业务,险种由单一的养猪保险发展到现在的农作物种植保险,农房、家庭财产、养花保险等三十多个。十二年来,累计为遭受自然灾害和意外事故的保户提供了2.8 Since the resumption of rural insurance business in 1982, Guangxi has continued to expand its business to meet the needs of rural commodity economy development and rural economic restructuring. From a single pig insurance development to the present crop insurance, farm house and family property, More than 30 flower insurance. Over the past 12 years, a total of 2.8 has been provided for policyholders suffering natural disasters and accidents
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In modern radar techniques, pulse signal can be replaced by the chirps, which is taken to be signals in Lp space. Wigner’s function and ambiguity functions are
国内第一批获准成立的合资基金海富通基金管理公司,是由国内实力最雄厚的券商之一海通证券以及《财富》全球500强名的 The first batch of approved the establishment of t
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