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巍峨的喜马拉雅山,绵延2,400多公里。终年云雾缭绕的南迦巴瓦峰(海拔7,756米),屹立在它的东端。自西而东滚滚而下的雅鲁藏布江,围绕着南迦巴瓦,在数十公里的范围内突然南折,从海拔2,900米,奔腾倾泻,顷刻间,咆哮的江水就降到750米的墨脱地区。雅鲁藏布在这里的这个转折,被称为雅鲁藏布江“大拐弯”。随着中国科学院青藏科考 Towering Himalayas, stretches more than 2,400 kilometers. The year-round cloud-filled Namjagbarwa (7,756 meters above sea level) stands at its eastern tip. The Brahmaputra, rolling down from west to east, revolves around Namjagbarwa and suddenly goes south within a few tens of kilometers. From an elevation of 2,900 meters, the Pentium plunges. In an instant, the roaring river drops to a spot of 750 meters area. Brahmaputra here in this turning point, known as the Brahmaputra “big bend.” With the Chinese Academy of Sciences Qingzang test
目的探讨左乙拉西坦对癫患儿血清超敏C反应蛋白(hs-CRP)、S100B蛋白的影响。方法 60例癫患儿随机分为对照组30例,观察组30例。对照组采用丙戊酸钠治疗,观察组采用左乙拉
多孔性金属一有机框架化合物(Meta-organic frameworks,MOF)是一类晶态孔材料,在气体吸附和存储、离子交换、分子识别、催化、化合物选择性分离和手性分离以及光、电、磁等领
Recently, the investigation of novel molecularly imprinted polymers(MIPs) has attracted a lot of interest and becomes a fascinating field. The phenobarbital(PHN
HZSM-11 zeolite supported Zn catalysts with different Zn contents(xZn/HZSM-11A) were prepared. In the alkylation of benzene with dimethyl ether(DME) in a fixed
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