
来源 :江西农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sswei1988
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梨树是我县的主要果树之一,近年来尚在不断发展。由于各地栽培管理不当,产量很低,大、小年明显。造成梨树低产和大、小年结果的原因很多,有些是由于引种时没有配好授粉树,造成单一品种的授粉不良,座果不佳,而影响产量;有些是土、肥、水管理和病虫害防治工作跟不上,梨树虽能结果,但树体未老先衰;有些是修剪不当,栽后几年无花芽形成,迟迟不能开花结果;而另一个原因往往不被人们所重视,那就是梨树开秋花,消耗了大量养分,梨树开花展叶所抽发的技和芽因营养物质积累少、大多数不能再形成花芽,因而影响第二年产量。梨树开秋花的一个主要原因就是落叶过早。而影响落叶的因素又有以下几点: Pear tree is one of the main fruit trees in our county, and it is still developing continuously in recent years. Due to improper cultivation and management around the country, the yield is very low, large and small in the year. There are many reasons for low yields and large and small annual results of pear trees. Some of them are due to the lack of pollination trees when introduced, resulting in poor pollination of single species and poor fruit quality, and some of them are soil, fertilizer and water management and Pest control work can not keep up, although the pear can result, but the tree is not old before the first decline; some are improper pruning, transplanting a few years after the formation of flower buds, delays in flowering; the other reason often not valued by people , That is pear blossom, consume a lot of nutrients, flowers and leaves of pear blossom pumping technology and buds due to nutrient accumulation, most can not form flower buds, thus affecting the second year of production. One of the main reasons why pears bloom in autumn is that leaves fall prematurely. The factors that affect the leaves have the following points:
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前言稻杆蝇(Chlorops oryzae Matsumura)是水稻的主要害虫,在日本全国广泛分布,但主要发生在山区和靠山的冷凉地带,特别是日本北部发生较多。在北海道和东北发生二代,北陆和