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  It was sunny and the trees had just started to sprout leaves the day I quit my job to travel. As a contract administrator for a shipping company, I’d spent 2012 working in a windowless office in Washington D.C.—and while it was a great job for a 25-year-old, potentially even a good career, it was not what I wanted. I wanted to write stories and see the world.
  The seeds of this decision were sown two years earlier, in 2010, when I graduated college and moved to Spain to teach English. I exchanged my university texts for kids’ books and spent my spare time travelling around Europe, documenting it all in my blog, Young Adventuress. I had no idea that the blog would eventually turn into a business that sustains me to this day.
  After two years, my teaching contracts ended, so I said hasta luego to my life on the Iberian Peninsula and moved back in with my parents to work a nine-to-five desk job in Washington D.C., dealing with financial reviews, company deadlines, terrible co-workers and fax machines that never worked.
  Writing, on the other hand, continued to make me happy. And during those two years in Spain, my blog had grown a large following of dedicated readers. I faced a tough decision: quit and pursue writing full-time, or play it safe and keep a good job.
  While I felt guilty for wanting something different to the norm, I knew that returning to the world of writing and travelling was the right choice, and I began planning my next move straight away. This time, my goal was to move to New Zealand: the Land of the Long White Cloud. For Americans under 30, it’s a relatively easy place to get a yearlong visa. Not to mention, the country’s epic landscapes, pristine wilderness and snowy mountains had captured my imagination since watching the first Lord of the Rings film a decade earlier. This goal kept me sane during a year of work, while I squirreled away as much money as I could and wrote every day.
  Every night when I came home from my desk job I would work on my blog. I spent a year building up the content, growing my social media following and setting up freelance writing contracts, so that I would have guaranteed paid work once I quit. Halfway through the year I took a week off and flew to Turkey on my first press trip to see if I would actually like travelling full-time and traipsing around a new destination every day. A few months later I was invited to explore Jordan for a few weeks, and I knew the time had come to make the final leap. I planned out my trips for the rest of the year, booked my flights, set up freelance work and sold my car(my last strong tie to my old life) before setting off. The plan? Fly to Jordan, where I made friends with Bedouins under the stars in the Wadi Rum and ate more hummus and kunefe than I could have ever imagined. Then I road-tripped through some of the most remote parts of Iceland under the midnight summer sun. And finally, I hopped on a one-way flight to New Zealand.   虽然与普通人的差异让我感到内疚,但是我知道回到写作和旅游的世界才是正确的选择,于是我马上开始计划下一次的出行。这次,我的目的地是有“长白云之乡”之称的新西兰。对于一个30岁以下的美国人来说,申请新西兰一年签证是很容易的。更不必说,这个国家让人惊叹的美景、原始的旷野、覆盖皑皑白雪的高山,对我有多大的吸引力,十年前看过第一部《指环王》后,我便深深爱上这里。这个目标让我在一年的工作中保持神志清醒,期间,我努力存钱,而且坚持每天写作。
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里约奥运会赢得了全世界的瞩目。当奥运圣火熄灭时,我们以为一切重归平静,但却忘了,接下来还有这样一群人,用他们不完整或不健全的身体书写着礼赞生命的教科书。他们一张张写满刚毅的脸,一个个顽强拼搏的身躯,在奥运五环的见证下表现出自强不息、超越自我的精神品质,同时也留下了许多震撼人心的瞬间。  这里的每一张照片都讲述着一个故事。这里的每一个人都是一个奇迹。  人可能会有残缺的身体,但不会有残缺的生命;人可
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