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   Melanie: Hey, Gordon. ①Could I pick your brain about something?
   Gordon: Sure, just as long as you don’t try to pick my nose while you’re at it.
   Melanie: Ha ha, and eww…no thanks. Anyway, I just wanted to ask your opinion on this business idea I had.
   Gordon: Ah! So I see you’re doing a bit friendsourcing.
   Melanie: Wait. What am I doing?
   Gordon: You’re reaching out to your most valued advisors (the people you really know) and finding out what they think. That is the essence of friendsourcing.
   Melanie: Is this some sort of new fad I’m unaware of? I thought people have been asking their friends’ advice for centuries…
   Gordon: Asking friends for help is nothing new. But if I might make a suggestion, asking a group of friends for their advice may ultimately be more helpful to you. That’s where the idea of friendsourcing really takes off!
   Melanie: How so?
   Gordon: Well…you know about crowdsourcing, right?
   Melanie: Yeah! ②That’s when you use public assistance, usually through funding, to help support a pet project.
   Gordon: Exactly! So if crowdsourcing is about asking the universe for help, then friendsourcing is all about trust.
   Melanie: I still don’t see it. Maybe I’m missing something…
   Gordon: Think about it. Now that social media is perhaps the most personal way to reach customers, crowdsourcing isn’t the most effective marketing approach anymore. So basically, set the public aside and zero in on those closest to you. After all, in the immortal words of The Beatles, “I get by with a little help from my friends.”
   Melanie: So my friends are actually the key to my future success?
   Gordon: ③Yeah, if you play your cards right. I mean, what’s the first thing you do when you try a new product or service and you love it or hate it? You tell your friends!
   Melanie: I think I’m starting to get it.④Because I know I can rely on my friends to have my back, and advertising is all about word of-mouth.
   Gordon: Yes! Consumers aren’t listening to marketers or slick ads or fancy billboards…Sure, those tried and true advertising methods can still put ideas in people’s heads, but when it comes to buying products, using services, and trying new things, friends listen to friends.    Melanie: Wow! That sounds like the best form of advertising you can get (or worst, depending on if your product or service really sucks).
   Gordon: True, and true. We are living in an age of new ideas. So if you wanna stand out from the crowd, you’d better take advantage of your most valuable resource available…
   Melanie: My friends, right?
   Gordon: You got it! So, tell me about this idea of yours…
  Smart Sentences
   ① Could I pick your brain about something?
   pick sb.’s brain: ask sb.’s help with a problem(让某人帮忙)。例如:
   Tom comes home every weekend and picks his sister’s brain to help with his French homework.
   ② That’s when you use public assistance, usually through funding, to help support a pet project.
   pet project: a project, activity or goal pursued as a personal favorite, often without others’ support(看好的项目,特别项目;常常得不到他人的支持)例如:
   I can’t believe you’re terminating my pet project. I’ve been working on it for three years.
   ③ Yeah, if you play your cards right.
   play one’s cards right: skillfully use the advantage available(处理得好,手段高明)。
   He didn’t play his cards right, so the contract went to his competitor.
   ④ Because I know I can rely on my friends to have my back, and advertising is all about word-of mouth.
   have sb.’s back: be prepared to support or vouch for sb.(作某人的后盾)。例如:
   Our team can succeed because we always have each other’s backs.
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【摘 要】 写作一直以来都是高中英语的重要组成部分,教学创生是建立在教学预设基础上,教学创生模式改变了传统的写作教学方式,是对传统教学观念的一种突破,在该种理念下,写作教学是需要建立在教学计划与教材的基础上,创造性的开展教学活动,该种教学方法可以有效提升高中应用写作教学的效率。本文主要分析教学创生视角下的高中英语有效写作教学的策略。  【关键词】 教学创生视角 高中英语 有效写作教学策略  
Each Sunday the minister called the children to the front of the church while he told them a story. Once he brought a telephone to better illustrate the idea of prayer.  “You talk to people on the tel
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里约奥运会赢得了全世界的瞩目。当奥运圣火熄灭时,我们以为一切重归平静,但却忘了,接下来还有这样一群人,用他们不完整或不健全的身体书写着礼赞生命的教科书。他们一张张写满刚毅的脸,一个个顽强拼搏的身躯,在奥运五环的见证下表现出自强不息、超越自我的精神品质,同时也留下了许多震撼人心的瞬间。  这里的每一张照片都讲述着一个故事。这里的每一个人都是一个奇迹。  人可能会有残缺的身体,但不会有残缺的生命;人可