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  This is a story about a drop of blood. Not just some ordinary drop of blood. No, but a very special drop of blood.
  Her journey begins when Tyler decides he’s going to donate. Our little blood drop and Tyler had been virtually inseparable, but one afternoon, Indiana Blood Center visited Tyler’s employer, and a number of his coworkers were donating. So he figured “What else was more worth while in the next hour than saving lives?” Plus he heard they had great cookies. So he filled out the appropriate paperwork and received a mini-physical to ensure he was in tiptop shape.
  After being prepped, Tyler took a comfortable seat, raised his sleeve, and, before he knew it, our blood drop was on her way.
  Thanks Tyler.
  Remember, this was a special blood drop with many powerful components.
  First things first. The blood is filtered, then the components are separated. Red blood cells are used in trauma, during surgeries and for treating cancer patients. Plasma is used to treat burn victims and patients with liver diseases. And, finally, plasma can be divided to become cryoprecipitate. Cryo is used to treat massive hemorrhaging. Voice: Wow!
   Amazing! One unit of blood can save three lives.
  There we go. A perfect split. Three separate blood components ready to help three Indiana patients.
   And off she went to help supply more than 60 hospitals across Indiana.
   The amazing power of a drop of blood. Not just some ordinary drop of blood. No, but a very special drop of blood.
   Indiana Blood Center depends on more than 500 donors each day. Every drop counts. So, please, raise your sleeve and give today.
【摘 要】 写作一直以来都是高中英语的重要组成部分,教学创生是建立在教学预设基础上,教学创生模式改变了传统的写作教学方式,是对传统教学观念的一种突破,在该种理念下,写作教学是需要建立在教学计划与教材的基础上,创造性的开展教学活动,该种教学方法可以有效提升高中应用写作教学的效率。本文主要分析教学创生视角下的高中英语有效写作教学的策略。  【关键词】 教学创生视角 高中英语 有效写作教学策略  
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