Review of the current surgical management of vulval cancer

来源 :World Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wearetian
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Currently in the United Kingdom, 1200 cases of vulval cancer are diagnosed per annum accounting for 6% of female genital cancers. Although classically a condition that affects older women and associated with lichen sclerosus, there has been a greater incidence of vulval squamous tumours in young women due to the increasing prevalence of promoting human papillomavirus(HPV). The advent of a vaccination programme against HPV 16 and 18, the main aetiological causes of vulval intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, may reduce the incidence in future generations. Primary surgery is the current gold standard treatment and although mortality rates have reduced by 40% since the 1970 s, radical vulval resections are associated with significant morbidity such as wound breakdown, infection, lymphoedema and psychosexual consequences. Over the past decade there has been a move to less mutilating procedures in women diagnosed with early vulval cancer. This is in combination with the introduction of new surgical methods such as sentinel lymph node testing, more directed radiotherapy and chemotherapy options. These treatment methods are being assessed in clinical trials to determine their associated recurrence rates, survival rates and morbidity. Most vulval cancers are squamous cell in origin but, there are other histological subtypes including Paget’s disease and vulval melanoma which can require different management approaches. The objective of this paper is to review the current literature on the management of vulval cancer, summarise the new treatments which are being developed and the associated evidence. Currently in the United Kingdom, 1200 cases of vulval cancer are diagnosed per annum accounting for 6% of female genital cancers. Although classically a condition that affects older women and associated with lichen sclerosus, there has been been a greater incidence of vulval squamous tumors in young women due to the increasing prevalence of promoting human papillomavirus (HPV). The advent of a vaccination program against HPV 16 and 18, the main aetiological causes of vulval intraepithelial neoplasia and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, may reduce the incidence in future generations. the current gold standard treatment and due mortality rates have reduced by 40% since the 1970 s, radical vulval resections are associated with significant morbidity such as wound breakdown, infection, lymphoedema and psychosexual consequences. Over the past decade there has been a a move to less mutilating procedures in women diagnosed with early vulval cancer. This is in combination with the introduction of new surgical methods such as sentinel lymph node testing, more directed radiotherapy and chemotherapy options. These treatment methods are being in clinical trials to determine their associated recurrence rates, survival rates and morbidity. Most vulmonary cancers are squamous cells in origin but, there are other histological subtypes including Paget’s disease and vulval melanoma which can require different management approaches. The objective of this paper is to review the current literature on the management of vulval cancer, summarise the new treatments which are being developed and the associated evidence .
摘 要:本文主要对中学数学教学中的师生互动交流问题进行了一定的研究与分析,首先阐述了师生互动的理论基础和基本内涵,然后给予了几点建议,希望可以为中学数学教学者提供一定的参考和借鉴。  关键词:数学;教学;中学;师生互动  一、 引言  目前,我国义务教育的改革面临着诸多问题,而目前最关键的问题是如何将“应试教育”转变为“素质教育”。中学阶段的数学教学是学生素质教育不可或缺的一部分,这门课程的教学模
在缺钾土壤中增施钾肥,能提高小麦产量一成以上。钾肥施用量以基施和返青拔节期追施各占50%为宜,且在一定的范围内,随若用肥量增加,作物产量进一步提高。 Increasing potash fertil
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时下,不少报刊社在寄发稿费时,汇款单留言处都空着,有些尽管也写有“某月某日”的字样,但采用的是哪篇稿子却未注明。而这些报刊社又不寄样报样刊,作者收到汇款单后颇为纳闷。 笔
摘 要:随着新课程标准改革的发展与深化,在高中数学教学中融入网络技术手段,能够有效地提高课堂教学效率,展示出现代教育手段的优越性,提高学生的学习兴趣。本文在此种背景下浅要分析网络环境下高中数学教学手段的实践与研究,针对移动媒体在数学教学中的应用并提出具体的教学策略。  关键词:网络环境;交互式;高中数学;教学手段  一、 引言  开展高中数学教学,教师应当充分重视数学教学的有效性,在网络环境下,积