Delphi Method for Multi-grade Uncertain Comprehensive Evaluation

来源 :第十一届中国不确定系统年会、第十五届中国青年信息与管理学者大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heephy
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  In this paper, the Delphi Method for Mul ti-grade Uncertain Comprehensive Evaluation (Del phi-MUCE for short), a new evaluation method com bines the uncertain comprehensive evaluation method with Delphi method, is put forward to evaluate an ob ject.First, the weights of evaluation system are the un certain variables before determination.To determinate it, weight experts are asked to fill in the belief degree according the requirement, and the summary results as a reference are sent to the experts to ask their new be lief degree.This process is repeated until consistency check of their options success.Then the expected val ues of weight are obtained and normalized as the final weight.Second, the evaluation result of an object is the uncertain variable before determination.According to the belief degree of evaluation experts to every index, obtain the expected value of evaluation result as the final comprehensive evaluation result.At last, analyze evaluation result and get evaluation conclusion.An example is given to illustrate the feasibility and validity of the method.
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